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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 17 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
tf k\ >L\lt. . (Vtovi.i. - I V .-» \ # * / .11. 8 : 3 0 . <> 'I M S n u i c i s , Christine, had an artich •i in the Arkansas Democrat, J Sandy, Gerald H . "National Library o f A r v m i m . " / ' „ „ . / , , „ , , , „ „ „ , fc/:A«:c»Sl SO, October, 1932. ( T i n s ,s ;, ehapier from |„s , ) , , " ' •'• An Account of the National Libraries M Spanish NMUII A m e r i c a " ) ortess, Lois F. "School Libraries in Louisiana." Louisiana Librirv \ u sociation JhriUHn, 1:1. ' "Training for the Part Time School Libra; m." f.ibrarv r*. y J Ur nal. 57:752-753. September 15, 19o2. " rstedt, Marcus. "The Librarian and the Student" A paper jm-cn at it, Dedication of Harper Hall, a»iv.uon. Colleees. KM maA Clan-mom i ,i / Series number 1. June, 1932. p. 59-nl. ^ ' * ' ''^r. »x, Jerome K. "Bibliography of I'.ess Oippin K j : u r , Us John Crcrar Library Reference List No. 19. "img Directories and key indexes to the mineral re -*te; a bibliography." (John Crerar Library Referonce List No. 22) "Supplement" to His L.S. Reference Publications, a Guidetoth, 0 0 0 Illh, t Fa^ri^' "" ' - " - «»' " - * * « | GovernmentBoston' 932 '" of ,h, : > p : • ; ^U^^2 Z;^^ S h **«* *« G0 T d y" Ulinois 0d o a . an ab ACTIVITIES OF ALUMNI AT A.L.A. CONFERENCE AND THF STATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS American Library Association, 1932 Conference the Lit Sa was a m e ^ r ofThe t o rBu°vin i r paper fffow^^Rrfe^T She also distributed a selected S Anne M. Boyd, assistant nrnf de and k ^ Thots°P A ?ra 1 f ^ f s s KE , £ D e p r c s s , o n fa ' Richmond ma t 1C PubIiC Lib rary , - Vinrinia, ^ad a Books." bra: peri seer lMtitUte C h i c a ? ' * ' * J?a a n e s e ' ^ b, 1 0 Wa^ h T o n P h gr p l Illustrated Japanese prints. Tab] 1 of Columbia VniZti^t^ZT °* " " A XS7 Architecural Library * M'.£Sri^-ss4 ass** ° < — - . — * r f *j * l(i the Economic Problems of a HO] read rary ^ H C
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