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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Cram of Chicago. She will continue, for the present, in her position e Southern Illinois State Normal University, Carbondale, III. \bna L. Thrall, '28-'29, is a cataloger at the Public Librai at Eva die, Indiana. Her home address is 709 E. Powell ave. i ienry G. Statham, '29, has resigned from his position as librarian t the American University at Washington, D. C , and has accepted a jfetion with the Library of Congress. ^ B l i e Class of 1930 has issued number 2 of their class News letter and it is full of interesting news from many members of the class. A ft of the following items were found there. Dorothy Heyl Jones (Mrs. Roger Warren Jones), '29-'30, is assist ;int librarian of the School for Library Service at Columbia University. Her home address is 434 West 120th St., N.Y. • Helen R. Miller, *29-'30, is assistant librarian in the law library of the University of Iowa, Iowa City. Arthur E. Gropp, ^ - ' S O , was married Jan. 16, 1932, to Miss Dorothy Geddes. He is librarian of the Middle American Research Department of Tulane University, New Orleans. Mrs. Gropp has been in library work at Mackenzie College in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Wave L. Noggle, '29-'30, was married on August 16, 1931, to Miss Elizabeth Grace Conard. They are living in Champaign and Mr. X<ggle is continuing his work for his A.M. degree. Ruth Rinkle, ^ - ' S O , was married on September 3, 1931, to Ray Spaeth. They are living at 48 Boylston St., Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Spaeth is a student in the Harvard Business School. H Mary J. Scrimger, '29-'30, is now Mrs. Ray Treichler and has a position in the library of the Texas A. & M. college, College Station, where Mr. Treichler has a position on the research staff. Zona Gale Stevenson, '29-'30, was married on April 10, 1932, to ;Mk\ Lucius Fitch. They are making their home in Des Moines, la. J j Margaret Eckels and Rachel Minick, ^ - ' S O , are both on the staff of the Enoch Pratt Library at Baltimore, Maryland, and are enthusiastic about their work and life in Baltimore. f Gretchen Knieff, 29-'30, has an interesting position in the County llibrary at Santa Monica, Calif. She describes her department as a cross between Reference and Circulation work. Edmon Low, '29-'30, is still at the East Central State Teachers college, Ada, Okla. He and Mrs. Low say that the most important event in the last two years is the arrival of their daughter Frances Kathryn on June 1st, 1931. Leone Mayer, '29-'30, is librarian of the Junior-Senior High School lit Iron Wood, Mich. Susan E. Miller, '29-'30, is librarian of the Henry Clay High School fct Lexington, Kentucky. I Margaret C. Woolward, '29-'30, was the assistant librarian <)\ the Wisconsin Telephone Company until October when she was appointed head of the North Avenue Branch Library of Milwaukee Public ILihrary. Irma M, Woods, '20 '30, is in the Circulation department of the [City ! >hrar>\ Wichita. Kansas. I I I '' I
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