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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 15 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Jfcrtha M- Parks, *26-'27, who was High School Librarian at Denxv b r several years is now Assistant Supervisor of School Libraries, Department of Education, Albany, New York. ^ H e l m e r Webb, '27, librarian of Tulane University, was elected Pi dent of the New Orleans Library Q u b at its organization meeting. Blanche Lane, '27-'28, is cataloger at Berea College, Berca, Kentu W: Elaine Boylan, '27-'28, has been appointed instructor in Library \ ninistration in the new Library School at the University of Louisi, Baton Rouge. Eleanor Conway, '27-'28, has resigned from the University of S « h Dakota and is now first assistant cataloger at the Indiana State Li rary, Indianapolis, Indiana. Lois B. Payson, '27-'28, received her M.S. degree from the School of Library Service, Columbia University in June, 1931. iLelia S. Wilson, '27-'28, has been appointed Librarian of the Traveling Library Division of the Iowa Library Commission, Des Moines, Iowa. Arthur G. Renstrom, '27-'28, has returned from a year in the Royal L rary at Stockholm and has been appointed to a position in the .Catalog Division of the Library of Congress. Helen A. Ridgway, '27-'28, is now Acting Supervisor of Branch Reference at the Queensborough Public Library, New York. Frances M. Battles, '28, is an Assistant in the Reference Division the Cleveland Public Library. Charlotte Newton, '28, has been appointed an instructor in the ntw Library School at the University of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. I Thelma Van Ness, '28-'29, has resigned from her position with the (Jueensborough Public Library and has been appointed First Assistant ott the Public Library at Bloomington, Illinois. Florence Woods, '28-'29, has resigned her position at the University of Missouri Library and accepted an assistantship in the Circilation Department of the Public Library at Fort Wayne, Indiana. I Barbara Bowlin, '28-'29, was married the first of September, 1931. jp Mr. F. E. Williamson. Her address is now Apartment 104. 115 Worth Parkside Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. , , I Norris M. Talley, 28- 29, has been made one of the reader's adfisers at the Indianapolis Public Library. I Harold W. Hayden, '28-'29, is now in charge of the Periodical Department of the University of Iowa Library, Iowa City, Iowa. I Hannah M. Scott, '29-'30, is Librarian of the Helen Plum Meorial Library at Lombard, Illinois* Marguerite Anderson, ' ^ - ^ O , has been appointed instructor in Library Science and Children's Librarian at tfic Teachers' Coll o at Terre Haute, Indiana. Helene R. Miller, '29-'30, is Librarian of the Law Library at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Inwa. Louise Clark (Mrs. S. B.), '29-'30, has given up her plans for entering active library work at present, bee pi -ent, because of the illness of her father, and is living at home at Bad Axe, H uron Count) . Michigan. f [I.<l
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