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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 14 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S LIBRARY SCHOOL ALUMNI NEWS LETTER Number 14 L O S ANGELES M E E T I N G December, 1930 The annual meeting and dinner of the Association was held June 26th at the Woman's Athletic Club in Los Angeles. Kate Ferguson, '16, the President, presided. The President called the roll by classes and each person gave his name and position. A brief report from the Secretary-Treasurer was read and accepted. Miss Ferguson stressed the importance of more life members for the Association. The report of the nominating committee, was read and accepted. Mr. Strohm, '00, President-elect of the American Library Association, was the guest of honor and made a few informal remarks. Miss Mary Eileen Ahern also spoke for a few minutes. Mr. Windsor gave a talk on the Library School and also spoke of this being the last meeting Miss Simpson would attend as ViceDirector of the School as she would retire at the end of the coming year, but he felt sure she would continue to attend the meetings and would maintain her keen interest in the coming and going of each and every one. Miss Simpson, in her inimitable way, said that she thought, after working with Mr. Windsor for these many years, that she knew all of his qualities, both good and bad, but she had never discovered until that moment that he was a kleptomaniac, that he had stolen her speech. However, she found that when he rifled her strong-box there were two or three things he had overlooked, and then she supplemented Mr. Windsor's talk with further information about the School. A motion was passed that a telegram be sent to President Kinley, who was retiring July 1st, expressing the appreciation of the Association for his generous support of the Library School. A telegram of greeting and good will was sent to President-elect Harry Woodburn Chase. Willia K. Garver, Acting Secretary E X E C U T I V E BOARD 1930-31 President—Winifred Fehrenkamp, Avery Architectural Library, Columbia University, New York City, New York. First Vice-President—Thomas P. Ayer, Public Library, Richmond, Va. Second Vice-President—Lois F. Shortess, State Department of Education, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Secretary-Treasurer—Josie B. Houchens, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, Illinois. Member Ex-officio—Kate Dorothy Ferguson, Bank of Italy Library, San Francisco, California. Trustees of Endowment Fund—J. S. Cleavinger, 1929-32; Margaret Hutchins, 1930-33: Anna May Price, 1928-31.
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