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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 7 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ing the best we ha\c ever had? his is to be the spirit of the whole convention. 5, If you arc coming will you definitely undertake to help with the singing at the dinner? LAURA R. G I B B S , '02 President Executive Board. 1925-1926 Prcsidcnt—Laura R. Gibbs, 19 Kxctcr St., Boston, Maai. First Vice-Pres.—Grace Kngland. Public Library. Detroit, Mich. Second Vicc-Prcs.—Fcnnimore Schwartz, Public Library. New York City. Sec.-Treas.—Josic B. Houchens, University of Illinois Library. Member cx-officio— Mary A. Battcrson, Tacoma Public Library, Tacoma, Wash. SO SAY I, W H A T SAY YOU? "I am happy to have made my first payment toward a life membership in the Library School Alumni Association. Since I finished my payments on the Stadium pledge, I have often thought that I should like to give an equal amount to the Library School for the student loan fund. The plan of the life membership has given me a chance to make a definite start in that direction." FANNY ALICE COLDREN, '22 "I have read with interest the number 6 Alumni News Letter. I hope a goodly sum will be sent in for the permanent endowment fund." LILLIAN M . G U I N N , '10-11 "I think a good-sized scholarship fund would be a fine thing for the school. I enclose my check for twenty-five dollars in order to become a life member." H E L E N DAWLEY, '24 "The Alumni News Letter came yesterday telling of the amendment to the constitution to provide for life memberships. I was very glad to know that it was adopted, so am enclosing a check for twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for my membership." i AI •S ? - * S , '12 (Mrs. G. F. Cook) The last Alumni News Letter was such an interesting one I devoured each and every word. The most interesting item to me was the amendment creating the Life membership. T o show my interesty and approval, as well, I'm sending a check." E F F I E G. ABRAHAM 2\ "I was interested in the plan of a Life membership in the Librarv School alumni association, and am enclosing ten dollars for first inst II ment for a Life membership, and will send the balance later in tw f three installments. Only wish this plan had been thought Gf b f° ° and hope it meets with hearty response from the alumni." etore, «TU OTELLA BENNETT YH VTHA INE S 0 A "I am glad to learn that so good a start has been made in the c paign for one hundred life memberships by October, 1926. I fcel " the effort to accumulate a substantial fund for the work of the Alum^* 1 Association will meet a ready response. Here is something tangible th* ' can be done out of loyalty to Alma Mater and loyalty to the profess 0 of librarianship. If I am not mistaken, there are a goodly number J K will prefer to convert their allegiance into something else than b r i ^ s° ck and mortar or triumphant football teams." CHARLES W. SMITH, 'OS [2]
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