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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 7 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ALUMNI NEWS LETTER Number 7 June, 1926 To the Alumni 4 DEAR FELLOW-MEMBERS: The Committee on Life Membership made a splendid beginning with thirty members to its credit, the first third of our quota and always the hardest part to get. Within the past month we have constituted an informal committee of these thirty to continue the good work. Results so far, another ten, who are hereby added to the President's Committee. Those of you who have not yet come in will be most heartily welcome. The letters which I have already received have been most enthusiastic. One of the busiest women I know writes: "I am very glad to take out a life membership . . . and also to do anything I can to make your plans and work for the school a success." Another says: "One hundred life members seems a very modest goal. I should think every girl who graduated while Miss Sharp was director would wish to be a life member, whether she is still in the work or not, but I suppose you have sent letters to every one of them." (If I have not, you need not congratulate yourselves that you have escaped me. I am only giving you the chance to join voluntarily before I do!) One sounds a less optimistic note: "I am sorry no more responded to the appeal, but I was astonished to read how few belonged to the Association at all." Never mind, let's change that, for it is our Association to do with what we will and the more we can make of it the more we shall be counted worthwhile. I wonder if every one of you realizes that we can make this an organization which will reflect credit on our School, and that if we do the credit will again be reflected upon each and all of its members? Are we going to do it? Whether you are a member of the Association or not will you consider this a personal appeal for help, which you can render by answering the following questions immediately and frankly? I will hold your answers as confidential if you so desire, but it will be of great assistance in the building up of the Association if I may know just what your opinions in regard to it are. We want it an association to which all would like to belong, whether they are ready to join at the present time or not. 1. Will you join now as a life member if possible? If you cannot, will you join as an annual member? If you do not do either, would vou be willing to give me your reasons? 2. Whom will you ask to join, preferably as a life member? 3. Are you planning to go to the A. L. A. Conference in October? 4. Have you any ideas as to what could be done to make this meet-
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