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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 4 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ALUMNI NEWS LETTER Number 5 June, 1925 Members of For the first time in twentj jrean the annual meeting and dinner of the /fesociation is to be held in the Pacific Northwest. I As President of the Association and as a resident of the Northwest, I \iant to extend to all Alumni a most cordial invitation to attend. We of enjoy bjeetings the Association has ever held, and we want you all here to help A reception committee of all Alumni on the Coast will do everything ssible to make your visit with us a pleasant one. Very cordially yours MARY A. BATTERSON, '08 President Executive Board, 1924-1925 President—Mary A. Batterson, Tacoma Public Library, Tacoma, Wash. First Vice-Pres.—Edna L. Goss, Univ. of Minnesota Library, Minneapo Second Vice-Pres.—K. Dorothy Ferguson, Library, Bank of Italy, San Scc.-Trcas.—Josie B. Houchens, Univ. of Illinois Library, Urbana, 111. Member ex-officio—Reba Davis, Univ. of Wyoming Library. Laramie, Y Calif Annual Reunion at A. L. A. The regular annual meeting and dinner of the Association will be held t Seattle on Thursday evening, July 9th, in the Italian room of the Olympic T otel. The price will be two dollars a plate, plus a tip. Bertha T. Ranall, '03, Ellen G. Smith, '02, and C. W. Smith, 'OS, will have charge of the linner and they request everyone to sign up as soon as they register at peadquarters. Margaret Hutchins, '08, and Nelle M. Signor, '17, are working up program of Illinois songs and yells. Last year everyone wanted to sing ut they were afflicted with a lapse of memory when it came to w rd so f you are going to the meeting, try ami brush up on Illinois Loyalty and r Hinois and others you like to sing. There is real need for some songs that Slave special reference to the Library School associations; the committee [hopes to have one ready, but any alumni^g invited to write one and try it >ut at the meeting. The nominating committee consists of 1. S. Cleavinger, '10, t itherine Nichol, 'lO-'ll, and Elizabeth McKnight. '07, T he will make their report at the meeting.
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