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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 3 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
School Notes The following appointment! have been made from the Senior Clan: Phyllis Crawford will be an assistant on the New Standard Catalog being issued by H. W. Wilson Co. Louise DeKraker will go to the Catalog department of the University of Michigan Octavia Rogan returns to her position as Assistant Librarian at the State Library Austin, Texas. . Sister Mary Reparata returns to Rosary College, River Forest, 111., as Librarian. Laura Peck will assist in the teaching of cataloging in the summer session at the University of Illinois. The lectures in Children's literature this year were given by Miss Jessie Gay Van Clevc, Editorial assistant, in the A. L. A. Publications Department. The Library Club held its last social meeting in May; Miss Ruth Kelso of the English department spoke interestingly of her studies in the British Museum. Afterwards two short plays were presented: Stephen Leacock's "Caroline's Christmas," given by the Seniors, and 'The Librarian in Literature," adapted by Helen Dawley, Elaine Boylan of the Junior Class and Miss Anne Boyd, of the faculty, from Edith Wharton's "Summer" and Sinclair Lewis' "Main Street." This was acted by the Junior Class. After refreshments, Miss Van Cleve entertained the group with delightfully told children's stories. Because of rain the annual picnic of the Club was held in the Woman's Building, where a compromise on the usual picnic supper was served. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Margaret Hutchins, President; Ada M. Nelson, Secretary; Anne McNeil, Treasurer. Saturday afternoon, June 7th, the corner stones of the new Library building, the new Commerce building, and the Men's Gymnasium were laid. President Kinley gave the address, Prof. J. M. White described the architectural development of the campus, and Mr. Windsor handed the trowel over to the master mason for the actual placing of the Library corner stone. A box containing University publications, among which were the Alumni News Letters, was placed in the stone. Summer session for the Library School will be a time of great activity. The quota of thirty for the six weeks' course was filled so rapidly it was impossible to admit any out of state people. The limit for the eight weeks' course is fifty and that is also filled. The faculty for the Summer session will be: Miss Ethel Bond, '08, Miss Anne M. Boyd, '18. Miss Margaret A. Gramesly, '04, of the Library School faculty; Miss Ruth Sankee, '21. Librarian of the University High School, Miss Mary A. Goff, of the University of Texas Library; Miss Laura Peck, '24, will assist with cataloging; Miss Edithe F. Hart and Miss Jean M. Murphy, of the Junior Class, will be assistants. Alumni Gossip European travel is heavy this year—Grace Kelley, '03, Chief Classifier of the John Crerar Library, has been granted a year's leave of absence for travel and study in Europe. Six weeks will be spent in a study of the system of classification in the Science Museum Library, South Kensington. Further plans include attendance at the International Conference of University Women, in Christiana in July. Mable Hay ward, '03. Senior Assistant in John Crerar Library, and Ruth Abbott, '03, Librarian, School of Education, Chicago University, have also been granted six months' leave of absence and sailed with Miss Keiley April 9th. Fanny Dunlap, '15, and Marcia Dunlap, '25, of the University of Illinois Library, will spend the entire summer abroad; they will have in their party, Fennimore Schwartz, '14, New York Public Library, and Florence Currie, '06, University of Mil uri Library. Emma Felsenthal, '12, has just resigned as Instructor in the University of Iliinoi Library School, and will spend the summer and fall abroad, as will Helen Dawley, a member of the Library School Junior Class. Bess Bryan, '10, has just returned from a four months' trip in Europe. Mrs. Nickolcy, '19, will return to her home in Beirut, Syria. Thomas P. Aycr, Kx. '15, has resigned his position with the Federal Trade Commission in Washington and accepted the Librarianship of the Public Library in Richmond, Va. Fanny Coldren, '22, has been appointed Reference Librarian of the University of Souther! Calif' >ia. i
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