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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 33 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

lllfl THB BEED-OORN SITUATION FOK HUH < e id count those good that show strong, vigorous shoots and roois !vom all six kernels (see illustration on front cover). B i n showing we or two kernels with weak shoots and roots should In; discarded or laid out and retested. If the same results are obtained in the second test, the ear should be discarded. All cars in the test that show more than two kernels with weak shoots and roots should be thrown out at once. If only one kernel of the six from any one of the ears fails to grow, ana the others are jrood, the ear should be retested; but if no better results are obtained in the second test, the ear should be thrown into the feed crib. All ears with more than one dead kernel among the six kernels in the test should be thrown out immediately. After Each Test the cloth should be sterilized by boiling, in order to guard against trouble with molds when usiner it ao-ain. THE SAWDUST AND T H E SAND-BOX TESTER The Sawdust Box is a favorite type of tester. Construct a box 24 by 30 inches, and 3 inches deep, inside measurements, and fill to within an inch of the top with sawdust which has been thoroly moistened. It is best to soak this material for 10 to 12 hours before placing it in the test box. When the sawdust is put into the container, pack it firmly and smooth it down even, to within about one inch of the top. Place stout muslin over the sawdust and tack it securely to the edges of the box; then rule it into 2-inch squares. Number the squares, and then take from each ear six grains as described for the rag-doll method, and Place them on the squares, being careful that they are placed on numbers corresponding to the numbers of the ears from which they have eeu taken. Put these ears away where they will not be disturbed. Fio. 4 . — T H E SAWDUST BOX IS A FAVORITE TYPE OF TESTER ^hen the box is filled, cover the grains with a clean cloth, and moisten doth and grain. Place moistened sawdust over the top, and if this material should become somewhat dry it should be moistened as occasion demands.
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