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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 33 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

h t OnouLAi with tin Vng th, t Doll" and Germinating the Corn •emain perature of about 80* F., and let it w»m«in *~ 11"iT hours. At tlu« «ii<l of this : eriod, pour off the water and tester in a warm rooJ M •II a bucket, or a moist sack may of a cyl lg 2 ruu'o aroiuui ea.h end, and the center if darimi . 7" - )a rubber iKind (Pig. 3) Place the roU in a bucket of water w Sa ? Wlth tern- FIG. 3, RAO DOLL ROLLED AND READY FOR SOAKING S f c & S . 3 f t * " I'USL'-Vft '»•'—. aUow«.o. * " » * t< !. .1 -\ io test a i.,,v ,.|bi» !m*v h« u*e.: : 3 ^ I number..i ngnit tpossible . i - rv# Qft : . LJSSf* ra .P'ickiy. » > i vvn v o lantity of c( •*oy. of36-3- h muslin : each 1& .shelf Of < , ,,| l;,; s ""««!"»";i ":;; l ::r '" * t & " » f e "-" 1 • » i- - - • ,.„«. •„..• r ,;;:,''„',:;;:„",•; •/,<,;••• " " ' •".-lullx so dial no U <
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