Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 22 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN ISM i i> \ \ ' i i K I . V Vol. XVI t I MARCH 3, 1V1'> No. 27 red »» »econd-claM matter December 11. 1**12. »t the pott "thee ai Urbana. lllinoi . under the Act of a««i«t 24 1912. Acceptance for mailinf at the ipecial tair of piM.iKc provided f>r in jicction 1103, Act rfSober't. 1917. authorised July U. 1918.) The Conflict of Parties in the Russian Revolution BY JACOB ZEITLIN Assistant Professor of English ! * I Price 10 cents i SHED BY THE WAR COMMITTEE THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA