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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
CLASS I MCA'! ION Army Ambulance Corps Aviation Corps Cavalry Coast Artillery Engineering dorps Field Artillery Gas Defense Service Infantry Total Radio Corps Other Branches Officers' Schools Total GRAND TOTAL 117 522 18 160 296 364 24 632 48 270 32 43 Machine Gun Corps Medical Corp. Musicians Officers'Schools Ordnance Corps (Quartermaster Corps Signal Corps Branch Unknown 173 15 20 175 173 107 477 3,599 Navy Marines 350 43 3,992 COMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITY WAR E M P L O Y M E N T The Committee on War Kmployment was appointed December 18. Assistance was given to 485 individuals in connection with war work, and 259 men and women were recommended for positions. Assistance in securing staff personnel was given the following governmental agencies, industrial concerns and war committees: U. S. Ambulance Service, U. S. Army Engineers, U. S. Coast Artillery, U. S. Naval Engineering and Public Works Dept., U. S. Naval Flying Corps, U. S. Marine Corps, U. S. Signal Corps, U. S. Public Service Reserve, U. S.' Civil Service Commission, Ordnance D e p a r t m e n t Mechanical Research and Investigation Divisions of the Bureau of Mines and the Bureau of Standards, Division of the Medical Corps, Engineering Branch of the Aviation Section, Army Y. M. C. A., Division of Immigrant Education, Immigration League, Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Hooker Electrochemical Company, Art Metal Construction Company, Rippley Boat Company, Midvale Steel and Ordnance Company, Union Carbide Company, U. S. Motor Corporation. « COMMITTEE ON UNITED STATES SAVINGS CERTIFICATES AND LOANS War Savings Stamps depots, where stamps could be purchased at any time, were established on the campus and in the University business district at several places. In the ten days' campaign (February 13-22) the following amount was pledged to canvassers: Faculty $16,099.75 Students 7,226.75 Total $23,326.50 About 50 per cent of this amount was paid in cash; the remainder was pledged to be paid during 1918. In addition to the amount pledged to canvassers, sales to the amount of about $1,500 were made at the various depots during the campaign. 7
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