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Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 10 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
salt Grease a baking dish; put in a layer of mush, then tiic seasoned meat, then another layer of mush on top. Bake thirty minutes. Moat Hash Combine equal quantities of cold, chopped boiled potatoes and chopped meat containing some fat Season with salt and pepper, and moisten with meat stock, gravy, or milk. Spread evenly in a hot greased frying pan. Heat slowly until brown underneath. Hash may also be baked. Vary recipe by adding vegetables, such as cooked beets. Baked Croquettes and Meat Loaf Meat may be combined with an equal amount of mashed potato or in the proportion of one-third meat and two-thirds potato. Various seasonings, such as onion and celery salt, may be added. Moisten with milk or water; add egg slightly beaten. Bake in a bread tin or shape as croquettes. If croquettes are fried in deep fat, shape and roll in egg and crumbs. Lamb Stew Wipe and cut in pieces two pounds of lamb from shoulder, flank, or breast. Cover in kettle with boiling water, cook slowly till tender, about two hours. Add diced vegetables—carrot, turnip, and slices of onion—after cooking one and one-half hours. Twenty or twenty-five minutes before serving, add potato cut in small pieces. Make a thickening of three tablespoonsful of flour and cold water to form a smooth paste and add to stew, stirring till it boils. Serve with more potatoes than usual and omit dumplings. Casserole of Lamb Line a casserole, slightly greased, with steamed rice. Fill center with cooked mutton finely chopped. Season highly with salt, pepper, celery salt, and onion juice. Cover with rice. Heat in oven with casserole covered. If desired to have firm enough to turn out on a platter, remove cover and brown. Serve with tomato sauce. If served in the casserole, add water, stock, or gravy to mutton and rice when filling dish. Tomatoes may also be added instead of using them as a sauce. Scrapple 7 cups water l 2 /i cups cornmeal 3 teaspoons s^lt 2 cups chopped meat Make a mush of cornmeal. Add meat and cook two to three hours in a double boiler or fireless cooker. Put in a mold to cool. Slice and saute in hot fat. Cracklings from fat rendering may be used in place of meat. Sausage and Bananas Shape bulk sausage as croquettes or use link sausages. Cut bananas in two crosswise. Place in frying pan alternately with sausage. Cook slowly on top of stove or in oven, basting occasionally till bananas are done and slightly browned. 0 m •
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