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Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1953 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
director, under regulations made by the faculty of the college or school concerned. TtANSTERREO CREDIT 41. Transferring Credit of " D " Grade In transferring credit from other institutions, those sub* jects which have been passed with a grade corresponding to the "D" grade at the University of Illinois, are indicated on the student's record here as being of that grade and are included in computing his status for the degree under the rule providing that not more than one-fourth of the work M presented for the degree may be of "D grade. 42. Revision of Transferred Credit A student from a college of Class B or Class C who makes an average grade of "B" or higher in his first year's work here, without failure in any subject, shall be entitled to have his credits revised to full value. A student from any institution rated lower than Class A shall receive full credit for such elementary courses as are continued at the University of Illinois in advance and in sequence with grades of "C" or higher. 43. Maximum Credit from Junior Colleges Credit transferred from a junior college shall be limited to the total a student may earn in his first two years in the University without carrying an escu schedule, i lit for work completed in a junior college by a student after be has acquired junior standing will be allowed only in exceptional cases by Special action of tin* < onunittn on Admit* sions from Higher Institutions. 4 4 . N o T r a n s f e r Credit in Courses Passed Here A student who 1 » p d a com it tho University ot flliiM, may not I given credit !>y transfer lot the same course taken < Isewherc. _ '' • •' 4 5 . Correspondence < ourses Credit for correspondence work taken with institutions in CI. 1 A may be allowed, but only mi the approval ol the ,|, ,, of th' college concerned. Aftei matriculation a stu-
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