Caption: Dedication - Band Building This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

AMERICAN BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION AND SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT THE CONCERT BAND MARK HINDSLEY, Conductor T h e National A n t h e m Illinois Edwin Franko Goldman Mr. HINDSLEY, conducting, as President, The American Bandmasters Association Celebration Overture WILLIAM REVRLLI, conducting Paul Creston D e a t h Valley Suite Ferde Grofe Funeral Mountains— 1849 Emigrant Train FRANK SIMON, conducting Desert Water Hole — Sand Storm The Composer, conducting F o u r Russian Folk Songs Christmas Song — Round Dance — The Legend of the Birds — Choral Dance RICHARD FRANKO GOLDMAN, conducting Ad Majorem Gloriam, Universitatis The Composer, conducting Intermission Anatol Liadov Illinorum (first performance) f Roy Harris M a r c h e Militaire Franchise EARL IRONS, Camille Robert Russell Saint-Sains Bennett conducting Symphonic Songs for Band Serenade FREDERICK FENNBLL, conducting Spiritual HAROLD BACHMAN, conducting Celebration WILLIAM SANTELMANN, conducting Pavane MANLEY WHITCOMB, Maurice conducting Maurice Mark Ravel Ravel Quinn Danse Generate from Dap 1 mis a n d Chloc CHARLES BRENDLER, conducting. Portrait of the L a n d (first performance, Ostwald a w a r d ) HUGH CURRY, conducting T h e Stars a n d Stripes Forever John Philip Sousa The newly-elected President of The American Bandmasters Association, conducting t Commissioned for this performance by the University of Illinois. Program notes for these concerts appear in the souvenir program of the twentyfourth annual convention of The American Bandmasters Association.