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Caption: Dedication - Beckman Institute This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Thomas E. Everhart Chancellor University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (xlay is a great day in the history of the University of Illinois. We are here to celebrate a dream that ~JL> is in the process of becoming a reality because of the commitment of many people. This dream took shape in the minds of faculty on this campus iTiey dared to dream that by sharing their ideas, their talents, and the results of their scholarship and research, giant strides forward in understanding intelligence in its many forms could take place here on this site in central Illinois. From this understanding will come benefits for humans, not just in Illinois, not just in the United States, but around the world. This dream was shared by Arnold and Mabel Beckman. Through their commitment, an institute to bring these scholars, research scientists and engineers together to fulfill this dream will soon rise here. Their dream and this Institute present challenges to all of us. It is challenging some of us to rethink how work should be organized within a modern university. It is challenging scientists who are experts in their own disciplines to learn more about other disciplines. It is already challenging our faculty and our students to think more broadly as well as more deeply. It has challenged our architects to think how such an institute should be designed and their questions have forced all of us to think more deeply on these matters. This dream and this Institute have captured the imaginations and the commitments of the local Champaign-Urbana community, the great State of Illinois and indeed, of the nation.
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