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Caption: Dedication - Assembly Hall Dedication This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

The University of Illinois Assembly Hall--unique in concept, design, and function — has attracted international attention since its construction began. We may now mark the large contributions which this impressive facility will make to the intellectual, cultural, and recreational aspects of campus life. As a meeting place, convention hall, exhibit gallery, and center for music, theatrical, and athletic events, the Assembly Hall opens a wide, new range of activities and programs for student participation on a scale heretofore impossible because of space limitations. The enlargement of the student body at ChampaignUrbana, now over 24,000, and growing, makes the availability of such programs an educational necessity, a vital part of student experience. The Assembly Hall reflects, also, the effort of the University to increase resources for capital improvements. Revenue bonds which were issued to construct the Assembly Hall will be repaid from student fees and from income from building operations. At a time when state tax funds are not available to meet all of the University's needs, the revenue bond plan accelerates the availability of some important facilities which could be procured in no other way. During this opening season, the Assembly Hall brings to fulfillment the efforts of many men to construct here one of the most significant buildings in the nation. In architectural expression, its design, engineering, and construction by many talents have been pooled to achieve an expression of the spirit and enterprise of the contemporary university. No one yet can predict the limits of the usefulness of this building. The results will transcend our greatest expectations. Thus, we look at this Hall with pride in a great achievement which will serve thousands of students and citizens of Illinois for generations to come. David D. Henry, President
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