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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954 [PAGE 9]

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[July 16

fare and the Department of Public Instruction as may be determined from time to time by agreements between the President of the University and the directors of these state agencies. There will be set up an Advisory Committee to the Institute consisting of three representatives from the University, two from the Department of Public Welfare, and two from the Department of Public Instruction, each for a term of three years, the Chairman to be selected yearly by the Committee in rotation among the three cooperating agencies. The staff of the Institute will consist of such personnel from the University, the Department of Public Welfare, and the Department of Public Instruction as may be assigned to the Institute by the President of the University on the recommendation of the chief administrative officers concerned. Such assignments will not preclude independent research on exceptional children by any of the three cooperating agencies. In more detail, i. The University of Illinois will allocate initial staff from existing University personnel, provide housing, academic and nonacademic staff, and general expense funds, and encourage research publication. 2. The Department of Public Instruction will allocate staff, encourage public schools to provide facilities needed for research purposes, and disseminate results. 3- The Department of Public Welfare will allocate staff, provide facilities within its own institutions for special research projects, and disseminate results. I recommend that Professor Samuel A. Kirk, presently Professor of Education in the College of Education, be named as the Director of the Institute as of September I, 1952, subject to the usual conditions of appointment at the University of Illinois with a salary of $10,707 on a Y basis.

On motion of Mr. Nickell, the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children was authorized in accordance with the above recommendations, and the appointment of Professor Samuel A. Kirk as Director oi the Institute beginning September 1, 1952, was approved. Mr. Hickman asked to be recorded as dissenting in the title of the Institute but as voting "yes" on all of these recommendations.

PATENTABLE D I S C O V E R I E S (8) The University i'atent Committee submits the following reports and recommendations relating to patentable discoveries; 1. Thomas R. O'Meara, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering, has disclosed an invention, wide-aperture vector-phase direction finders. T h e general purpose of this invention is to provide a technique for combining the electrical information from a series of antennas (or direction finders] in such a way as to testtit m ^ wym^O'site direction hndfeT -which is \ess svAyert to wave interierence

errors than most existing types. The eauipment was developed in the course oi

research under a contract with the Office of Naval Research. The invention is of importance on/y to the armed forces and would have little, if any, commercial value. Accordingly, the University Patent Committee recommends that all rights be released to the Navy. The inventor has no personal interest in having the invention released to him. 2. T h e State Natural History Survey and the State Geological Survey Divisions in carrying a n research Nvork t o r the United States Air Force tv&Ne ^Jxveloped tiuorinated compounds which have possibilities of use as fungicides. T h e Chiefs oi the two divisions recommend that the discoveries he released to the United States Air Force, which is interested in patent protection. The University acts as fiscal agent for the Surveys in their contractual relations with federal a'gexvcAts -and, therefore, iorma\ action by the B o a r d o i Trustees releasing the discoveries is necessary. 3. Several years ago Dr. Erwin L. Hahn, then a graduate student in the D e partment of Physics engaged in research supported in part by the Office of Naval Re.s.e.ltch, dvs.cove.ttd 1 tvusAc'it tn>vetvt tesoriaTice phenomenon h e ca\\s Spin Physical Review, November 15, 1950, Subsequently, he filed an application for a patent prior to the deadline of one year after publication of the complete description. Dr. Hahn has requested that the University release to him all rights to

"c-vhras. ©I, yiahn, n0w ai Stanlorci university, puttisjied h'ls findings m The