UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 [PAGE 1748]

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Garret, M. R., appointment, 664, 1472 Garrett, J. H., degree, 1125 Garrett, Jo Lynne, fellowship, 1264 Garrett, L. E., appointment, 788, 1597 Garrett, Shirley M., degree, 1340 Garrett, V. G., Jr., certificate, 407 Garrigan, IX S., degree, 1314 Garrigus, U. S., appointment, 582, 1384 leave of absence, 305 Garrison, C. B., degree, 1311 fellowship, 978 Garrison, C W., degree, 914 Garrison, D. L-, member of Citizens Committee, 258, 1086 Garrison, G. G., fellowship, 1264 Garrott, Jesse J., degree, 1122 Garside, E., appointment, 18, 880 Gart, W. R-, degree, 487 Garth, J. C , degree, 1127 Garth, T., appointment, 179, 419 Gartner, H. H., degree, 466 Garver, J. C , appointment, 647 resignation, 936 Garver, R- T., degree, 459 Garver, WUlia K., appointment, 681, 1487 Garvey, J. C , appointment, 634, 1186, 1438 Garvey, N. F., appointment, 658, 667, 1463, Garvin, J. S-, appointment, 703, 1509 Garvin, Janet T., degree, 465 Garvin, Thelma M., appointment, 1648 Gary, Estelle, appointment, 839, 1651 Gary, Lillian M,, degree, 77 Garza, J. A., appointment, 749, 1555 Gaschler, Violet, appointment, 749, 1555 Gas dynamics, research, gift, 193 Gaseous electronics, study, contract, 320 change, 1211, 1250 Gases, cleaning with electrostatically charged particles, patent rights, release to Atomic Energy Commission, 507 Gaskill, E. A., degree, 466 Gaskin, W. J., degree, 288 Gasoline, purchase, Aviation, 444, 538 Physical Plant, 538 Gas ranges, Housing Division, purchase, 67 Gaston, R. A., degree, 287 Gas turbine engine, International Cooperation Administration, purchase, 122 Gasul, B. M., appointment, 14, 877 Gatch, B., Jr., degree, 1130 Gates, H. F., appointment, 353, 653, 1187 resignation, 1267 Gates, H. I., degree, 1333 fellowship, 1258 Gates, L. L,, certificate, 2 Gatesman, Joann M., appointment, 851, 1661 Gattis, Mrs. Elizabeth S., resignation, 548 Gatto, F. R., appointment, 860, 1668 Gaudy, Mrs. Elizabeth T., appointment, 969, r* J 3 9 8 ^ Gauger, C. D., degree, 917 Gaughan, Shirley J., fellowship, 1263 Gaul, W. M., degree, 292 Gault, I. G., appointment, 716 Gault, W. Irene, appointment, 780, 1588 Gaur, H. C , appointment, 162 resignation, 936 Gaus, M. P., appointment, 926, 1421 degree, 75 Gavican, Mary E., degree, 479 Gavin, C. E., appointment, 875 Gawthorp, Barbara J., appointment, 1608 Gawthorp, Beulah V., appointment, 764, 765, Gay W. L., degree, 1323 uaylord, E. H., Jr., appointment, 613, 1178, 1417 Gazarek, C. V-, appointment, 849, 1633 ^azda, Barbara E., appointment, 1559 Gazda, G. M., fellowship, 392 Lreanakoplos, D. J., appointment, 350, 655, H84, 1460


Gear, C. W., appointment, 543 degree, 462 Gearhart, Sally M., degree, 131 Gearien, J. E., appointment, 91, 357, 719, 1343, 1526 Gebeck, F. N., degree, 466 Gebhardt, R. P., degree, 1314 Gebhart, J. H., degree, 76 Gedamu, T., fellowship, 1257 Gedstad, W. R., degree, 1334 Gedvilas, L. L., appointment, 743, 744, 1192, 1550, 1551 Geer, D. M., degree, 82 Geerts, H. A., degree, 1317 Gegalian, L., appointment, 872 Gehrich, G., appointment, 13, 875 Gehrig, D. A., degree, 1335 Gehrig, Patricia R., appointment, 779, 1588 Gehrmann, A., Lectureship Fund, addition, gift, 186, 1049 Gehrmann, R , gift, 186, 1049 Geiger, A., appointment, 710, 1516 Geiger, K. R., degree, 78 Geiger, M. D., degree, 1335 Geiger, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 969, 1517 Geigy Pharmaceuticals, gift, 1038 Geiler, R. S., resignation, 548 Geiling, Gloria D., degree, 479 Geiser, Beverly A., appointment, 1663 Geiser, \V. C , degree, 1337 Geisinger, Velma L., appointment, 758, 1565 Geissendoerfer, J. T., appointment, 654, 14C0 Geldard, Winifred B., appointment, 357, 742, 1549 Gelfond, R. E., degree, 1334 Geiler, D. M., appointment, 1253, 1453 Gellman, D. D., appointment, 162 Gelman, Renee L., appointment, 879 General Air Conditioning Corp., purchase, 1288 General Assembly, appropriations for buildings and other permanent improvements, 512 legislation, acts affecting the University, 502 report, 540 biennial budget and building program, 502 future development of Chicago Undergraduate Division, report, 508 gerontology research, 946 horseradish research, 947 introduction and enactment of bills for the University, 373 visit to Chicago colleges and divisions, plans, 1269 visit to University, 373 General Chemical Co., purchase, 538 General Chemical Stores, budget, 751, 1557 purchase, acetone, 66, 902 acids, 537 chemicals, 538 chloroform, 28, 902 ether, 28, 902 laboratory apparatus, 152, 175, 209, 1165, 1209, 1248 laboratory equipment, 66, 121, 152, 319, 952, 1018 laboratory glassware, 442, 1207, 1209, 1248 laboratory supplies, 66, 121, 152, 537, 1018, 1207 spectrophotometer, 28, 952 General Dairy Equipment, Inc., purchase, 1248 General Electric Co., contract, 320, 534 change, 1097, 1117 gift, 1026 purchase, 28, 122, 153, 1208, 1248, 1288 General Electric Educational and Charitable Fund, gift, 1021 General Electric X-Ray Division, purchase, 443 General Engineering, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 887, 889