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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1280 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u n e 19 Equipment and Supply Company, Springfield, Illinois, the lowest bidder, for furnishing and installing 476 tablet arm chairs in the two lecture rooms in the addition to the East Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy Building now under construction. Funds are available in the state appropriation, "Remodeling Existing Buildings." I concur. O n m o t i o n o f M r . B i s s e l l , t h i s c o n t r a c t w a s a w a r d e d b y t h e followi n g v o t e : A y e , M r . Bissell, M r s . H o l t , M r . H u g h e s , M r . Johnston, M r . L i v i n g s t o n , M r . N i c k e l l , M r . S w a i n , M r s . W a t k i n s , M r . Williamson; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Herrick, M r . Stratton. CONTRACTS FOR COAL AND FUEL OIL FOR MEDICAL CENTER STEAM PLANT AND CHICAGO UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION Coal for Medical C e n t e r S t e a m P l a n t (14) The Director of the Physical Plant Department, the Business Manager of the Chicago Colleges, and the Vice-President and Comptroller recommend award oi a contract to the Crerar Clinch Coal Company, 3552 West Division Street, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for 27,000 tons of screenings coal to be delivered to the Medical Center Steam Company Plant, operated by the University, as required during the period July I, 1958, to June 30, 1959, at a per ton cost of $4.65, plus transportation of $1.39, plus $1.19 for handling, storage, and delivery, or a total estimated cost of $195,210.00. This price is based on the present wage scale and is subject to increase or decrease in the event that wage contracts now in effect are changed, and any such change affects the price to the extent that production costs are increased or decreased by new freight rates or wage contracts. The University has the right of approval of any such increase in price. The low bid is determined by the number of British thermal units per one cent of cost based on guaranteed analysis. A continuous check is provided at the Steam Plant to insure compliance with the specifications. F u e l Oil for Medical C e n t e r S t e a m P l a n t University officers also recommend the purchase of a minimum of 8,000 gallons of No. 6 fuel oil with the option of purchasing as much more as may be required for emergency use, but not to exceed 450,000 gallons, for the 1958-59 heating season, from the Jewett and Sowers Oil Company, 2580 South Archer Avenue. Chicago, the lowest bidder, at a price not to exceed $0.0747 per gallon subject to adjustment in accordance with the posted price variations published in the Wall Street Journal. On the basis of the maximum price quoted, the total cost < i > 8,000 gallons would be $597.60, and of 450,000 gallons, $33,615. The Medical Center Steam Company Plant is equipped to burn coal, gas, or oil. Winter operation has been with coal, and summer operation has been with gas. The purchase of fuel oil is recommended for stand-by service. It used for emergency operation instead of gas or coal, there will be a corresponding reduction in expenditure for these two fuels. F u e l Oil for U n d e r g r a d u a t e Division University officers also recommend the purchase of No. 5 fuel oil, not t« exceed 340,000 gallons, for the 1958-59 heating season, from the Jewett and Sowers Oil Company, 2580 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, the lowest bidder, at a price not to exceed $0.0869 per gallon subject to adjustment in accordance with the posted price variations published in the Wall Street Journal. On the basis 01 the maximum price quoted, the total cost of 340,000 gallons would be $29,546. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Boarc. be authorized to execute the contracts and necessary documents, subject to appro™ by the Governor as required by the State Constitution. O n m o t i o n o f M r . J o h n s t o n , t h e s e c o n t r a c t s w e r e a w a r d e d , as r e c o m m e n d e d , b y t h e f o l l o w i n g v o t e : A y e , M r . Bissell, M r s . Holt, Mr. H u g h e s , M r . J o h n s t o n , M r . L i v i n g s t o n , M r . N i c k e l l , M r . S w a i n , Mrs. W a t k i n s , M r . W i l l i a m s o n ; n o , n o n e ; a b s e n t , M r . H e r r i c k , M r . Stratton.
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