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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1268 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ M a y 20, MAHROUS, HAROUN, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. MASSARD, JAMES M., Associate Professor of Civil Engineering — resignation effective September 1, 1958. MILLER, GERALD R., Fellow in Chemistry — resignation effective September 16 I9S8. O'KELLY, LAWRENCE I., Professor of Psychology in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. OLIVER, WILLIAM A., Professor of Civil Engineering in the Summer Session of X 9S8 — declination effective June 16, 1958. PEREIRA, ANTHONY, Fellow in the Chicago Professional Colleges — resignation effective April 8, 1958. PEREZ, ISIDRO L., Instructor in Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Men in the Chicago Undergraduate Division — resignation effective April 1, 1958. Rossi, ANGELO, Research Associate in Physics — resignation effective May 22 1958. SAMUELS, BARBARA, Research Assistant in Psychiatry — resignation effective Ifav 20, 1958. SCHEELE, GEORGE F., Shell Oil Company Fellow in Chemical Engineering — resignation effective September 16, 1958. SEEGER, KARLHEINZ, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering — resignation effective May 19, 1958. SHWAYDER, DAVID S., Assistant Professor of Philosophy — resignation effective September I, 1958. STIPPES, MARVIN C-, Associate Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. STOECKER, WILBERT F., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Summer Session of 1958 — declination effective June 16, 1958. TREMBLAY, SHIRLEY M. LEROY, Institute of Mental Health (School) Fellow (Trainee) in Social Work'—resignation effective April 1, 1958. VON HOLT, CLAUS, Research Associate in Pharmacology — resignation effective May 1, 1958. WONG, R U T H L., Assistant Professor of Pathology — resignation effective Mav 1. 1958. LEAVES OF ABSENCE BHALERAO, V. R., Research Assistant in Food Technology ( S ) —granted further extension of his leave of absence, without pay, from the University of Illinois to September 1, 1958. CONNER, MRS. BETTY R., Research Assistant in Medicine (Medicine)—leave of absence, without pay, beginning August 1 and continuing through August JI. 1958, so that she may travel to Europe. CURLEY, DANIEL, Assistant Professor of English — leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1958-59, so that he may devote his time to creative writing under a Guggenheim Fellowship. HAMILTON, NORMAN T., Assistant Professor of Mathematics — leave of absence, without pay, for the academic year 1958-59, so that he may accept the offer of a Visiting Assistant Professorship at the Johns Hopkins University. HOLT, E. HOWARD, Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (CI — leave of absence, without pay, beginning June 26, 1958, and continuing through August 31, 1958. MACLAY, HOWARD S., Research Assistant Professor in the Institute of Communications Research — leave of absence, without pay, beginning July 10. 1958, and continuing through August 15, 1958. STEINER, GILBERT Y., Research Associate Professor in the Institute of Government and Public Affairs, and Assistant Dean of the Graduate College — leave of absence for one-half time, for the period May 19 through May 25, 105^ without pay for that one-half time, so that he may undertake a special assignment for the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Local Government Services Commission. C H A N G E IN SABBATICAL LEAVE O F A B S E N C E DIGGS, BERNARD J., Associate Professor of Philosophy — sabbatical leave 0 absence on full pay for the second semester of 1958-59. This leave is m |R|1
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