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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 97 5 500 r AO o 5 600 (7 000) 4. A. L. Young, Associate Professor, Farm Power C-A 5. R. C. Hay, Associate Professor, Soil Conservation and Executive Secretary, State Soil Conservation Dis- ,^ Ay2Q tricts Board (s-AY8o (Total Salary) (On leave with pay for six months from January 1, i95i) 6. K. H. Hinchcliff, Associate Professor, F a r m Structures (See Smith-Lever Fund) E-AY25 (Also paid #5,670 by United States Department of Agriculture) fC-Dso 7. G. E. Pickard, Associate Professor < C.TWM) (Total Salary) 8. F . W. Andrew, Assistant Professor (See State Agricultural Extension) E-BY 9. H. P. Bateman, Associate (See Bankhead-Jones Fund) S-DY 10. J. H. Ramser, Associate < c"rw8o (Total Salary) 11. J. A. Weber, First Assistant S-DY47 (See Bankhead-Jones Fund) S-DY53 (Total Salary) (On disability leave without pay until further notice) 12. B. F . Muirheid, Instructor (See Smith-Lever Fund) E-DY 13. W. F . Lytle, Instructor (s-DY8o (Total Salary) 14. J. O. Curtis, Instructor (Total Salary) 15. A. R. Ayers, Instructor (See Smith-Lever Fund) 16. R. W. Whitaker, Instructor, F a r m Structures (From Trust—Aluminum Company of America, Farm Structures) (Total Salary) 17. J. W. Matthews, Instructor (See Vocational Agriculture) (Total Salary) 18. , First Assistant, Farm Structures (See Bankhead-Flannagan Fund) { S-DY60 (1 830) 3 015 3 685 (6 700) (5 200) (4 200) 900 3 600 (4 500) 2 150 (2 450) (4 600) (4 800) 840 3 (4 1 2 (4 360 200) 840 760 600) E-DY 1S-DY2S S-DY50 C-DY35 C-DY65 E-BY (4 600) 1 150 1 150 (2 300) (4 600) 1 800 (3 4°°) (5 200) (4 1 2 (4 2 800) 680 520 200) IOO 19. R. W. Mowery, Assistant { S-DY60 (Total Salary) 20. M. W. Forth, Assistant S-DY50 (From Trust—Public Service Company of Northern Illinois) S-DY50 (Total Salary) 21. , Assistant (See Research and Marketing Fund) S-DY50 (See Regional Research Fund) S-DY50 (Total Salary) 22. .50 Part-time Assistants S-DY 23. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries, College Total, Salaries, Station Total, Salaries < c"}^ (2 IOO) (4 200) (I (I (3 I 7 19 (26 (39 (59 (98 900) 900) 800) 500 674 038 712) 624) 338) 962)
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