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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IQ51] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Io6l S C H O O L OF SOCIAL WORK Salaries and Wages 1. S. W. Olson, Medical Director (Salary under Medical Administration) 2. Marietta Stevenson, Director (Salary under Urbana-Champaign School of Social Work) 3. , Supervisor of Social Case Work, with rank of Associate Professor 4. Mrs. Virnelle C. Voss, Assistant Professor and Acting Supervisor of Social Case Work 5. Ada Abromowitz, Instructor 6. , Instructor 7. Alice M. Gonnerman, Instructor 8. , Instructor 9. Louise Fassler, Instructor 10. , Instructor 11. Margaret Judiesch, Instructor 12. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, School of Social Work PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Salaries and Wages 1. J. W. Brown, Instructor 2. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Physical Education for Men BY BY DY DY DY DY DY DY DY $ 6 600 5 4°° 4 58o 4 36o 4085 4 004" 3 935 3 900 3 835M 10 140 (5° 839) 500 (51 339) 3 3°° 100 200 (3 600) J 54 939 DY * 5 200 3 (8 1 (10 120 320) 800 120) 2 200 500 (2 700) $ 1 2 820 AEROMEDICAL A N D PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT LABORATORY (Under the supervision of the Vice-President) Salaries and Wages 1. J. P. Marbarger, Director of Research BY| » ^ y i Associate Professor of Physiology AY/ 2. M. K. Fahnestock, Engineering Director (Salary under College of Engineering—Urbana) 3. Victor Guillemin, Jr., Biophysicist and Professor of Biophysics AY 9 150 4- G. F . Vawter, Experimental Pathologist DY 6 060 5. Nonacademic Salaries 21 430 Total, Salaries (46 000) Wages 3 250 Total, Salaries and Wages (49 250) Expense and Equipment Expense 11 75° Convention Travel 250 Equipment 3 °°° Total, Expense and Equipment (15 000) Total, Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory J 64 250
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