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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I950] STATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 93 Expense Equipment Contingent Total, Total, Total, Total, Total, Station Expense and Equipment Administration, College Administration, Station Administration 19 1 2 (22 (29 5(46 5(88 Ji35 000 000 500 500) 000) 980) 330) 3xo Farm and H o m e W e e k Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Farm and Home Week Agricultural Research R e v o l v i n g ( E n t i r e b u d g e t from r e c e i p t s ) Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Agricultural Research Revolving $ $ 3 5°° 3 500 $ $ 5 000 5 000 Vocational Agriculture Salaries and Wages 1. Melvin Henderson, Associate Professor C-AY $ 7 2. H. J. Rucker, Assistant Professor C-BY 5 3. W. H. Witt, Assistant Professor C-BY 5 4. W. D. Buddemeier, Assistant Professor, Farm Management C-BY'50 2 (See Agricultural Economics, Item 25) C-BY'50 (2 (Total Salary) (5 5. J. W. Matthews, Instructor C-DY65 3 (See Agricultural Engineering, Item 17) C-DY35 (1 (Total Salary) (5 6. Nonacademic Salaries C-H 3 Total, Salaries (27 Wages Total, Salaries and Wages (27 Expense and Equipment Expense 4 Total, Vocational Agriculture J 31 D i x o n Springs E x p e r i m e n t Station Salaries and Wages 1. R. J. Webb, Superintendent; Associate Professor, Agricultural Extension and Agricultural R e s e a r c h . . . . (See Bankhead-Jones Fund) (See State Agricultural Extension) (Total Salary) 2. W. R. Boggess, Associate Professor, Forestry (See Forestry, Item 3) (Total Salary) 3- M. E. Mansfield, Assistant Professor (See Veterinary Research) 4. J. M. Lewis, First Assistant, Agricultural Research; Assistant Superintendent 5. G. E. McKibben, First Assistant, Agricultural Research and Agricultural Extension (See State Agricultural Extension) (Total Salary) 6. L. E. Gard, First Assistant, Agricultural Research 1 000 500 500 750 750) 500) 400 800) 200) 030 180) 300 480) 000 480 S-AY66 S-AY24 E-AY10 S-AY33 S-AY67 S-BY'15 S-BY S-BY75 E-BY25 S-DY $ 4 950 1 (1 800) (750) (7 500)' 2 030 1 (4 070) (6 ioo) 1 900 5 ooo 1 3 (1 (5 4 930* 320) 250)2 7501 Also furnished perquisites, valued at $300, for the convenience of the employee. •Also furnished perquisites, valued at $120, for the convenience of the employee.
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