Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IO45 Solaria and Wages Pediatrics 1. H. G. Poncher, Professor and Head of Department 2. J . H . Hess, Professor, Emeritus (Without retiring allowance) : 3. J. B. Richmond, Professor (From Markle Foundation) (Total Salary) 4. H . R. Kobes, Clinical Associate Professor (Salary under Division of Services for Crippled Children) 5. H . A. Waisman, Assistant Professor 6. C. J. Marienfeld, Assistant Professor 7. Ralph Spaeth, Assistant Professor 8. S. H . Barron, Instructor 9. Morris Green, Instructor 10. Sterling Garrard, Instructor 11. E. F . Lis, Instructor (See Division of Services for Crippled Children) (Total Salary) 12. Herbert Grossman, Instructor 13. W. P . Barba, I I , Instructor 14. Herbert Woodcock, Instructor (Salary under Postgraduate) 15. Gertrude Asrow, Research Assistant 16. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Pediatrics Cooperative I n v e s t i g a t i o n s Salaries and Wages JOHN AND M A R Y R. M A R K L E FOUNDATION 50-42-03 AY AY80 DY20 AY BY DY BY50 DY90 DY DY DY40 DY60 DY DY DY J 16 150 8 250 (2 000) (10 250) 6 500 6 500 2 650 3 850 4 750 4 75o (3 (5 4 4 2 010 000) 010) OOO OOO 4 100 6 750 (74 360) 1 800 (76 160) 8 000 400 (8 400) $ 84 560 1. Bernice Balin, Research Assistant U. S. PUBLIC H E A L T H SERVICE C-875-C (55-48-06) DY DY DY50 $ 3 300 3 520 3 OOO 2. Marcia M. Madison, Research Assistant CARDIOVASCULAR T E A C H I N G F U N D 3. , Instructor Salaries and Wages Pharmacology 1. C. C. Pfeiffer, Professor and Head of Department 2. H. A. McGuigan, Professor, Emeritus (Retiring allowance payable b y Retirement System) 3. K. R. W. Unna, Professor 4. J. A. Bain, Assistant Professor 5. T . R. Sherrod, Assistant Professor 6. Elizabeth H. Jenney, Research Associate (From U. S. Public Health Service 409 (C)) (Total Salary) 7- E. F . Domino, Instructor 8. E. W. Pelikan, Instructor 9- 1.50 Part-time Assistants TOXICOLOGY D I V I S I O N AY A B B DY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 DY $ 11 900 8 500 7 400 5 750 2 400 (2 400) (4 800) 2 200 2 200 5 400 10. W. J . R. Camp, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, and State Toxicologist AY 9 650