Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IO3O BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES SUMMARY O F BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS [Juty 25 From From Educational and General General Restricted Administration and General Income Income Total General Administrative Offices $321 m $15500 $336611 General Student Service 58 441 58 441 General University Service 53 810 53 810 Security Benefits 1 coo 1 000 Total, Administration and General (434 362) (15 500) (449 862) Instruction and Departmental Research Colleges, Schools, and Departments Medicine 1 992 574 62 780 2 055 354 Dentistry 538 055 538 055 Pharmacy 249 805 249 805 Graduate College 3 315 3 315 School of Nursing 64 538 60 395 124 933 School of Social Work 54 939 54 939 Physical Education 12 820 12 820 Total, Colleges, Schools, and Departments (2 916 046) (123 175) (3 039 221) Organized Activities Research and Educational Hospitals..... 2 499 570 429 425 2 928 995 Total, Organized Activities (2 499 570) (429 425) (2 928 995) Total, Instruction and Departmental Research (5 415 616) (552 600) (5 968 216) Organized Research Aeromedical and Physical Environment 64 250 64 250 Laboratory Institution for Tuberculosis Research 37 600 37&o° (37 600) (101 850) (64 250) Total, Organized Research Extension and Public Service Dentistry—Postgraduate Telephone 100 000 100 000 Revolving 72 200 72 200 Libraries 174 250 1 990 037 Physical Plant I 815 787 Endowment Income, Gift Funds, and United States Government Contracts 808 750 808 750 Total, Educational and General (7 802 215) (1 688 700) (9 490 915) Auxiliary Enterprises 214 048 214 048 Student Aid Scholarships, Fellowships, and Prizes 18 000 20 000 38 000 Total, Appropriations. $7 820 215 $1 922 748 $9 742 963 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS Educational and General Administration and General General Administrative Offices General Student Service General University Service Security Benefits Total, Administration and General and Salaries Wages $288 376 53 991 38 785 1 coo (382152) Other Expense $48 235 4 450 15 025 (67710) Total $336 611 58 441 53 810 1 000 (449862)