Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS University and Federal Funds 10 737 374 948 38 183 4 500 53i 169 (959 537) (1 591 529) #4 193 838 91 Estimated Income from Sales1 Extension Additional Cooperative Fund Bankhead-Flannagan Fund Capper-Ketcham Fund Research and Marketing Extension Fund Smith-Lever Fund (including Bankhead-Jones) Total, Federal Extension Revolving Total, Extension Grand Total 18 COO (18 000) #414 256 Total 911 431 205 OCO2 116 209 282 608 431) 256 407 094 Summary Fund Statement — Appropriations College Station Extension General University Funds #870 905 ?i 408 534 #631 992 $2 Estimated Income from Sales Reserved for Departmental Use 46 500 158 500 Total, Appropriations to Departments (917 405)(1 567 034) (631 992)(3 Self-supporting Accounts 113 250 78 006 18 COO Federal Funds 322 870 959 537 I Total Si 030 655 $1 967 910 $1 609 529 #4 Expendable Gift and E n d o w m e n t Funds _ , . Salaries and Wages _ , Other Expense $ 150 Instruction (Endowment Income): Total Estimated new projects and renewals $ 150 Organized Research (Gifts): Estimated new projects and renewals J i o o 000 25 000 125 000 Total (100 000) (25 000) (125 000) United States Government Contracts and Indirect Costs Recovered Organized Research: Estimated new projects and renewals 5 000 2 COO 7 000 Total, Trust Funds £105 000 $27 150 #132 150 Note: The distribution between college (C) and station (S) from state funds in the following budgets is based upon the estimated amount of time to be devoted to each activity during the full twelve-month period and does not restrict the amount of teaching in any semester or for the year as a whole to the percentage of time shown for college. Explanation of symbols in titles: C = College; S = Station; E = Extension Salaries and Wages Administration 1. H. P. Rusk, Dean of College of Agriculture Director of Agricultural Experiment Station Director of Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Professor, Cattle Husbandry (See Smith-Lever Fund) (Total Salary) 2. J. C. Blair, Dean and Professor, Horticulture, Emeritus (From Retiring Allowances) 1 2 C-BY34 S-BY34 C-AY E-BY32 $ 5 000 5 °°° (4 800) (14 800) (3 662) Expenditures may not exceed actual receipts if less than estimate. Agricultural Income realized over estimate and reserved for the use of the College of Agriculture may be assigned, upon recommendation of the Dean of the College of Agriculture, to the department earning such income in a total amount not exceeding $10,000 in any one fiscal year or $1000 for any one item. If income of $205,000 is not realized, appropriations to departments will be reduced accordingly.