Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
!<)5l] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BY80 1 BY20 BY50 BY50 BY DY DY DY80 1 DY20 DY50 DY50 DY DY E G IOI5 4 440 (1 n o ) (5 550) 2 550 (2 550) (5 100) 4 900 4 900 4 840 3 600 (900) (4 500) 2 150 (2 150) 18. Mrs. Margaret K. Chandler, Research Assistant Professor (See Sociology and Anthropology) (Total Salary) ig, , Assistant Professor (See University Extension) (Total Salary) 20. S. B. Levine, Assistant Professor 21. R. C. Wilcock, Assistant Professor 22. Thelma B . Fox, Research Associate and Instructor 23. Ruth A. Hudson, Research Associate (See Sociology and Anthropology) (Total Salary) 24. Walter Polner, Instructor (See University Extension) (Total Salary) 25. , Research Associate 26. Leona D'Acquisto, Research Assistant 27. 5.25 Part-time Research Assistants 28. 3.00 Part-time Research Assistants (Two summer months only) 29. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Industrial Relations Revolving (Entire b u d Expense and Equipment Set from Expense Total, Industrial Relations Revolving recei (4 300) 3 700 3 250 13 300 1 750 35 (159 3 (163 20 1 3 (24 970 150) 929 079) 000 000 000 000) $187 079 Pts> $ $ 35° 350 SMALL HOMES C O U N C I L Summary Small Homes Council Small Homes Council Publications Revolving Total, Small Homes Council Expendable Gift F u n d s Organized Research Estimated new projects and renewals United States Government Contracts and Indirect Costs Recovered Organized Research Estimated new projects and renewals Total, Trust Funds „ . . „, Salaries Other and Wages Expense $47 290 $ 8 600 13 780 20 500 $61 070 $29 100 Total $55 890 34 280 $90 170 $8 500 $2 500 $11 000 45 000 $53 500 15 000 $17 500 60 000 $71 000 Sma11 H o m e S C o U n d l Salaries and Wages 1. J. T. Lendrum, Director Professor of Architecture 2. R. A. Jones, Associate Professor of Architecture DY\ AY/ AY » » ^^ 9 000 7 790 'Includes three-fourths time in Institute during academic year and full time in summer.