Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ioo8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 Allerton H o u s e Operations (Entire budget from receipts) Salaries and Wages 1. Nonacademic Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Allerton Hmise Operations SUMMER S E S S I O N Salaries and Wages 1. R. B. Browne, Dean Professor of Education (See University Extension) (Total Salary) 2. Summer Instruction (as approved May 18, 1951) 3. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Summer Session $ 22 512 27 488 (50 000) 45 5 (50 $100 000 000 000) 000 BY30 AY BY70 $ 3 390 910) 300) 000 85O 24O) 000 240) (7 (11 515 2 (521 I (522 8 000 100 400 (8 500) $530 740 DIVISION OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Summary _ , . Salaries <*»<* Wa&s $ 38 100 126 960 24400 31 060 7160 (227680) 39 610 (267290) „, Other Expense $ 5 650 84 900 6250 8 200 U 535 (116 535) 34 600 (141 135) 6 300 $147 435 Extension and Public Service Administration Extramural Courses and Conferences Field Staff Music Extension Visual Aids Service Sub-total Visual Aids Revolving Total Instruction Correspondence Courses 21 460 Total, Division of University Extension. . $288 750 Expendable Gift F u n d s Extension Estimated new projects and renewals United States Government Contracts and Indirect Costs Recovered Extension Estimated new projects and renewals Total, Trust Funds „ , . , „, Salanes and Wages 1. R. B. Browne, Dean Professor of Education (See Summer Session) (Total Salary) Administration , Total J 43 750 211 860 30650 39 260 18695 (344 215) 64 210 (408425) 27 760 $436 185 $8 000 $2 000 $10 000 1 250 $9250 250 $2250 1 5°° $11500 BY70 AY BY30 $ 7 9'° (3 39°) (11 300)