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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I951] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BY BY 993 5 5oo 5 100 2 550 (21 150) 35o (21 500) 3 500 3 25 000 3. V. A. Hyde, Assistant Professor 4. J. V. Edsall_, Assistant Professor 5. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Bureau of Community Planning S C H O O L OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Summary Instruction Administration Physical Education for Men Physical Education for Women Sub-total Self-Supporting Accounts Special Rehabilitation Revolving Total, School of Physical Education Expendable Gift and E n d o w m e n t Funds Instruction (Endowment) Estimated new projects and renewals Organized Research (Gifts) Estimated new projects and renewals Sub-total United States Government Contracts and Indirect Costs Recovered Organized Research Estimated new projects and renewals Total, Trust Funds „ , . „, Salartes Other Total «** Wages Expense $ 1 700 3 20 450 $ 18 750 25 800 237 945 212 145 11 300 70 216 81 516 (38 800) (339 9ii) (301 i n ) 3 560 $304 671 2 000 340 800 5 56o $345 471 $100 750 (850) $ 25 250 (725) $ 125 1 000 (1 125) 75 $925 25 $300 $1 225 Salaries and Wages Administration 1. S. C. Staley, Director BY $ 11 300 Professor of Physical Education for Men and Head of Department AY_ 2. M. H. Eyler, Assistant to Director DY75 (3 465) (See Physical Education for Men) D25 (935) (4 400) (Total Salary) (On leave without pay for military service) 3 200 3. A. C. Moore, Assistant to Director DY75 (900) (See Physical Education for Men) D25 (4 100) (Total Salary) : 4. Nonacademic Salaries 3 3°° (17 800) Total, Salaries 950 Wages (18 750) Total, Salaries and Wages ; Expense and Equipment 1 400 Expense 300 Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment. . . (1 700) $ 20 450 Total, Administration Salaries and Wages Physical Education for Men 1. S. C. Staley, Professor and Head of Department (Salary under Administration)
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