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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I95l] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 951 10. 7.00 Part-time Research Assistants (to be assigned to departments annually by the Director) S-E 11. Nonacademic Salaries, College Nonacademic Salaries, Station (Total, Nonacademic Salaries) Total, Salaries, College \ Total, Salaries, Station Total, Salaries Wages, College Wages, Station Total, Wages Total, Salaries and Wages, College Total, Salaries and Wages, Station Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment COLLEGE 17 10 7 (27 (48 (6o (109 1 (1 (49 (62 (m 760 845 51 e 360) 808) 987) 795) 5 oo 450 950) 308) 437) 745) Lectures Expense Equipment Convention Travel Contingent Total, College STATION 2 400 3 400 2 000 150 2 000 (9 950) 12 000 150 (12 150) (22 100) $ (59 258) ?(74 587) $133 845 Expense Convention Travel Total, Station Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration, College Total, Administration, Station Total, Administration Student Placement Revolving ( E n t i r e budget from receipts) Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Student Placement Revolving Cooperative Investigations Salaries and Wages PROPERTIES OF ILLITE AND KAOLINITE CLAYS $ $ 1 500 1 500 1. W. D. Johns, Jr., Research Assistant in P e t r o g r a p h y . . . DY $ 3 960 Measurement P r o g r a m Salaries and Wages 1. H. N. Hayward, Director S-DY50 3 870 (See Electrical Engineering) C-A50 (3 230) (Total Salary) (7 too) 2. H. C. Roberts, Research Associate Professor S-AY (6 880) (From Instrument Services) 3- G. R. Peirce, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering A25 1 450 (See Electrical Engineering) A75 (4 350) (Total Salary) (5 800) 4- Nonacademic Salaries 12 660 Total, Salaries (17980) Wages 1 190 Total, Salaries and Wages (19 17°) Expense and Equipment Expense 2 850 Convention Travel 250 Equipment 2 000 Total, Expense and Equipment (5 I O ° ) Total, Measurement Program (S) ? 24 270
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