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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
9j6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 5 £2 (9 250) 6 160 ( 7 7<*>) 6 160 (7 700) * Z™ (3 400) (6 800) 4 080 (6 800) 2 720 A 080 (6 800) i. 080 (6 800) 3 000 (6 000) (6 250) 5 400 (6 ^ (6 3 (5 500) 100 200) °20 200) 12. H.M. Scott, P r o f e s s o r . . . . . . . . . {SSYS (Total Salary) 13. B. C. Johnson, Professor, Animal Nutrition j g"^Y8o (Total Salary) 14. A. V. Nalbandov, Professor, Animal Physiology I S-AY80 (Total Salary) 15. R. M. Forbes, Associate Professor, Animal Nutrition.. . ( 5 ! ^ ? (See Bankhead-Jones Fund) S-AY50 (Total Salary) 16. A. L. Neumann, Associate Professor | S-AY60 (Total Salary) , 17. H. W. Bean, Associate Professor (Salary under Administration) fC-AY40 18. S. W. Terrill, Associate Professor < S-AY60 (Total Salary) 19. U. S. Garrigus, Associate Professor < S-AY60 (Total Salary) 20. C. W. Crawford, Assistant Professor, Horse H usbandry.. { s^BY50 (Total Salary) 21. S. F. Ridlen, Assistant Professor, Poultry Extension (See Smith-Lever Fund) E-BY 22. Marian F. James, Assistant Professor S-BY 23. G. R. Carlisle, Assistant Professor (See Smith-Lever Fund) E-BY 24. D. E. Becker, Assistant Professor i 5^3Yso (Total Salary) 25. W. H. Hale, Assistant Professor {s^BYoo (Total Salary) 26. M. Helen Keith, First Assistant, Animal Nutrition, Emerita (From Retiring Allowances) 27. Marjorie Edman, Instructor, Animal Nutrition... .• S-DY 28. R . C . Eaton, Instructor..; {&DY41 (Total Salary) 29. Yen H. Loo, Biochemist and First Assistant, Animal Nutrition : (Salary under Graduate College) 30. W. T. Haines, Assistant, Animal Nutrition S-DY50 (See Bankhead-Jones Fund) S-DY50 (Total Salary) 31. Mrs. Lucile Dekker-van Ghyl, Assistant, Animal Nutrition S-DY 32. Mrs. Uva G. Frey, Assistant, Animal Nutrition S-DY58 (See Adams Fund). '. S-DY42 (Total Salary) , 33. Mrs. Eva M. Cohn, Assistant, Animal Nutrition S-DY 34. D. A. Vaughan, Assistant, Animal Nutrition (See Research and Marketing Fund) S-DY 35. Mrs. Janet L. Page, Assistant, Animal Nutrition (See Research and Marketing Fund) S-DY 36. Margaret B. Keane, Assistant, Animal Nutrition (See Research and Marketing Fund) S-DY52 (From Trust: Lederle Lab.) S-DY32 (From Trust: Merck and Co.) S-DY16 (Total Salary) (879) 4 450 2060 (3 750) 2 600 (2 600) (5 200) 3 2 (1 (3 3 5°° 010 44°) 45°) 45° (3 45°) (3 45°) (1 800) (1 100) (550) (3 45°)
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