Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
8<)2 BOAKD OF TRUSTEES DY30 DY70 [July 25 2 (4 (7 12 (43 500 500) 000) 690 140) 750 (43 890) 3. R. L. Peterson, Administrative Assistant (See Business Management Service) (Total Salary) 4. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense ' Convention Travel General University Lectures Equipment Educational Nonrecurring Unassigned Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Provost's Office—General Courses and Curricula Salaries and Wages 1. Mrs. Jessie Howard, Research Specialist, with rank of Assistant Professor 2. 2.00 Part-time Research Assistants 3. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Courses and Curricula 3 200 200 12 000 300 (50 000) 1 (15 700) % 59 590 B DY % 5 6 2 (14 500 000 580 080) 200 (14 280) 100 $ 14 380 Bureau of Institutional Research Salaries and Wages 1. E. F . Potthoff, Director DY75 (See Education) AY25 (Total Salary) 2. G. J. Froehlich, Assistant Director, with rank of Assistant Professor DY 3. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment '. Total, Bureau of Institutional Research Student Counseling Bureau Salaries and Wages 1. W. M. Gilbert, Director Associate Professor of Psychology 2. L. A. Hellmer, Associate Director Associate Professor of Psychology 3. T . N . Ewing, Clinical Counselor and Associate Professor of Psychology 4. Mrs. Alice K. Jonietz, Clinical Counselor and Assistant Professor of Psychology 1 ? 7 052 (2 348) (9 400) 6 18 (31 2 (34 600 000 652) 350 °02) 2 700 15° 200 (3 °5°) $ 37 052 DY"1 AY/ DYl AY/ AY BY t 8 6oo gQ0 ' 6 270 5 830 This amount, including assignments indicated elsewhere in the budget, is to be provided from lapsed salary balances. Assignments of the balance will be made by the President on recommendation of the Provost.