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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I9S1) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 883 Educational and General From From Instruction and Departmental Research General Restricted Colleges, Schools, and Departments Income Income Total Urbana-Champaign 10 924 621 10 360 10 934 981 Chicago Professional Colleges 2 916 046 123 175 3 039 221 Chicago Undergraduate Division 1 322 467 1 322 467 Total, Colleges, Schools, and Departmerits. (15 163 134) (133 535) (15 296 669) Organized Activities Urbana-Champaign 117 377 283735 401 112 Chicago Professional Colleges 2 499 570 429 425 2 928 995 Total, Organized Activities (2 616 947) (713 160) (3 330 107) Total, Instruction and Departmental Research . (17 780 081) (846 695) (18 626 776) Organized Research Urbana-Champaign 3 116 390 448 673 3 565 063 Chicago Professional Colleges 64 250 37 600 101 850 Total, Organized Research (3 180 640) (486 273) (3 666 913) Extension and Public Service Urbana-Champaign 1 406 761 1 n o 938 2 517 699 Chicago Professional Colleges 100 000 100 000 Division of Services for Crippled Children 2 175 000 2 175 000 Total, Extension and Public Service.. (1 406 761) (3 385 938) (4 792 699) Libraries Urbana-Champaign 1 141 240 1 141 240 Chicago Professional Colleges 72 200 72 200 Chicago Undergraduate Division 119 210 119 210 Total, Libraries (1 332 650) (1 332 650) Physical Plant Urbana-Champaign 3 466 459 3 466 459 Chicago Professional Colleges 1 815 787 174 250 1 990 037 Chicago Undergraduate Division 802 762 802 762 Total, Physical Plant (6 085 008) (174 250) (6 259 258) Sub-total, Educational and General from Current Funds (33 710 241) (4 967 136) (38 677 377) E n d o w m e n t I n c o m e , Gift F u n d s , a n d United States Government Contracts for Educational Purposes Urbana-Champaign .... 2 981 125 2 981 125 Chicago Professional Colleges .... 808 750 808 750 Chicago Undergraduate Division .... 6 000 6 000 Total, Endowment and Gift Funds for Educational Purposes (3 795 875) (3 795 875) Total, Educational and General (33 710 241) (8 763 o n ) (42 473 252) Auxiliary Enterprises Urbana-Champaign 3 951 905 3 95i 905 Chicago Professional Colleges 214 048 214 048 Chicago Undergraduate Division 541 322 , 541 322 Total, Auxiliary Enterprises (4 707 275) (4 707 275) Student Aid and Miscellaneous Operations Urbana-Champaign 145 500 624 620 479 120 20 000 Chicago Professional Colleges 18 000 38 000 Chicago Undergraduate Division 10 000 10 000 Total, Student Aid and Miscellaneous Operations (163 500) (509 120) (672 620) Total Appropriations Urbana-Champaign $23 451 030 $9 324 336 $32 775 366 Chicago Professional Colleges 7 820 215 1 922 748 9 742 963 Division of Services for Crippled Children.. 2 175 000 2 175 000 Chicago Undergraduate Division 2 602 496 557 322 3 159 818 Total $33 873 741 $13 979 406 $47 853 147
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