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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
856 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 25 Copies of this budget have been filed with the Secretary and the Comptroller of the Board. O n motion of M r . Hickman, this budget was approved. APPROPRIATIONS FOR T H E COLLEGE O F AGRICULTURE (28) The Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Comptroller recommend additional appropriations of $43,964 from agricultural income of the College of Agriculture. For the year ended June 30, 1951, both receipts and expenditures have exceeded estimates because of the rising prices. It is recommended that the excess receipts be appropriated to the departments realizing the income as follows: Agricultural Engineering J I 014 Agronomy 1 431 Animal Science 30 148 Dairy Science 3 500 Dixon Springs 1 500 Horticulture 6 147 Veterinary Research 224 Total $43 964 I concur. On motion of Mr. Nickell, these appropriations were made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Megran, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Stevenson. ACTING DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTE OF LABOR A N D INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (29) I recommend that Professor Milton Derber be appointed Acting Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations* for one year from September 1, 1951, replacing Director W. Ellison Chalmers who is on leave of absence without pay for government service, Professor Derber's status to be Professor of Economics in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations on indefinite tenure at a salary of $8,850 a year (AY) and Acting Director (DY) at a salary of $650, total for the year, $9,500. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this appointment was approved. C H A N G E IN HOSPITAL A N D MEDICAL SERVICE FEE (30) Since September I, 1943, all students at Urbana-Champaign, with certain exceptions as explained below, have been assessed a hospital and medical service fee of $5 per semester or a prorated amount for shorter terms (e.g., $2.50 for an eight-week summer session) which assures them of payments for specified hospital and medical expenses in cases of illness. This plan was adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 29, 1943. Shortly after it went into operation, exemptions from payment of the fee were approved by the Board (October 29, 1943), in cases of (a) extramural students; (b) correspondence students; (c) persons on appointment on the University staff or on the staffs of the allied surveys or laboratories on the Urbana campus; (d) those registered as visitors in classes; (e) students taking not more than one unit of graduate work or more than five hours of undergraduate work in a semester, or students taking not more than one-half unit of graduate work or more than three hours of undergraduate work in the eightweek summer session. There is a loophole in these arrangements. It lies at the point of definition of a member of the staff. A person who has an appointment of any kind can claim to be a member of the staff and thus secure exemption from lie hospital and medical insurance plan. It is precisely this group of persons, however, who fail to take advantage of the voluntary insurance plan for staff members. During recent years an increasing number of these persons have had illnesses or accidents, the bills for which they could not pay. The Office of the Dean of Students has had repeated requests for ex post facto admission to the insurance plan or for substantial aid from the student loan funds.
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