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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 855 INTERNAL OPERATING BUDGET FOR 1 9 5 1 - 1 9 5 2 (26) I present the University's internal operating budget for all divisions and funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1951, and for the academic and administrative appointments beginning September 1, 1951. This budget has been prepared by the Provost and the Comptroller in accordance with policies approved by the President and in conference with deans, directors, and other administrative officers. I recommend that: 1. This budget, covering the allocation of the University's operating income from all sources for the year beginning July 1, 1951, be approved. 2. T h e President of the University be authorized, in accordance with the needs of the University and the equitable interests involved and within total income, to ( a ) make such changes and adjustments as are needed, (b) make such additional appointments as are necessary, subject to the provisions of the University Statutes, and ( c ) accept resignations. All such changes will be covered in the Comptroller's quarterly financial reports, or in reports to the Board by its Secretary. On motion of Mr. Johnston this budget was approved as amended by increasing the salary of the President of the University to $23,500 a year, effective July 1, 1951, the appropriations of funds as recommended were made, and authority was given as requested. These actions were taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Megran, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Stevenson. The complete budget as approved is printed in full in the appendix, page 880. INTERNAL B U D G E T . O F T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOR 1 9 5 1 - 1 9 5 2 (27) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics submits, on behalf of the Board of Directors of t h e Athletic Association, t h e budget of the Association for 1951-1952 which is summarized as follows with comparative figures for the preceding year: 1950-1951 1950-1951 Actual Income 1951-1952 Budget and Expense Proposed Income $807 607 $821 759 $764 075 Expenditures: Budget Appropriations 772 225 809 339 746 850 Special Appropriations 18 900 14 422 10 000 Total Expenditures (791 125) (823 761) (756 850) Excess of Income Over Expenditures $ 16 482 $ 2 002 1 $ 7 225 On July 1, 1950, the Athletic Association had a net operating surplus of $47>30o. The excess of expenditures over income of $2,002 in 1950-1951 will decrease this surplus to $45,358 on June 30, 1951. T h e budget has been examined and approved by the Provost and the Comptroller. Salaries paid jointly by the Athletic Association and the School of Physical Education have been approved by the Director of the School. The budget includes $10,000 to be allocated by the Board of Directors for contingency expenditures, not to exceed $1,000 for any one item. Estimated income exceeds the appropriations by $7,225. I recommend that this budget be approved and that the President of the University be authorized to make such changes and adjustments, including approval of new appointments and acceptances of resignations, as are necessary and recommended by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association within the total income realized. 1 ExcesB of expenditures over income.
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