Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1951 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 84I Champaign," and $100,000 is to be assigned from United States government contract funds. These actions were taken by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Megran, and Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, none. SERVICES O F DR. CARROLL L. BIRCH T O T H E DEPARTMENT O F STATE (8) The United States Department of State has requested the services of Dr. Carroll L. Birch, Professor of Medicine, whereby she will be loaned to the Technical Cooperation Administration of the Department to serve as Principal of the Lady Hardinge Medical School in New Delhi, India, for one year. The Department has proposed a formal agreement between the University of Illinois and the United States of America under which the government will give the University sufficient funds to pay Dr. Birch's salary, transportation to and from India, and other expenses incidental to this service. The Dean of the College of Medicine and the Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges recommend release of Dr. Birch for this assignment and approval of the proposed arrangements. The Provost, acting for the President, concurs. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. The Committee adjourned. A. J. JANATA HERBERT B. MEGRAN Clerk FRANCES B. WATKINS PARK LIVINGSTON, Chairman BUSINESS PRESENTED BY T H E PRESIDENT O F T H E UNIVERSITY The Board considered the following recommendations and reports presented by President Stoddard. AWARD O F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who have successfully passed the standard Certified Public Accountant examination given in May, 1951 • ARTHUR JAMES ABBOTT RICHARD FRANK APPLE BEN ARONSON DAVID HARRIS ASHE JOHN NETHERCOT BALCH GLENN LEROY BAUMANN ARTHUR PLYER BENNETT BERNARD BERK ROBERT GLEN BERRYMAN ROBERT JOSEPH BEY MILTON IRVING BLUM ROBERT CHARLES BLYTHE EUGENE PHILIP BORGESON GEORGE RICHARD BOWEN THEODORE DAVID BOWER ROGER WAYNE BOYLL JEAN FRANCES BREMER MARVIN HERBERT BRESLAUER GERALD DAVID BRIGHTON GEORGE STOPP BRUNSON CLYDE MILTON BUETTNER JAMES EDWARD CAGNEY, JR. CHARLES JAMES CAMERON WALTER C. CANNON ROBERT COLE CHRISTENSON AARON COHEN DEAN ALLEN COHLER JAMES REUTHER COOKSEY ROBERT DAVIDSON LAURENCE WALTER ELIEL NICHOLAS PETER ELLIS WILBUR RAE EWING BERNARD FEINSTEIN EARL MARVIN FIELD