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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 831 KARL DYAR VENTERS, B.S., 1049 BERNARD ROBERT WEINSTEIN, B.S., 1949 In Physiology (Clinical Science) BENUM WESLEY Fox, B.S., M.D., 1942, 1943 MARTIN HOWARD KALSER, B.S., M.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1942, 1946 JULIEN ALFRED LABOW, B.S., 1949 PHILLIP ISRAEL MOZER, B.S., Roosevelt College, 1949 FRANK RAYMON, JR., B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1947 GEORGE STANLEY ROBACK, A.B., M.D., University of California, 1943, 1945 CHARLOTTE ROSE ROBERTSON, A.B., 1948 ISAIAH ANATOLE SHARE, B.S., M.D., 1945, 1947 In Surgery BANNING GRAY LARY, B.S., M.D., 1947, 1948 CHARLES ALLEN LINKE, B.S., M.D., 1948, 1950 KENNETH OLIVER NELSON, B.S., M.D., University of Chicago, 1945, 1047 DOUGLAS KELLY PACKARD, A.B., Albion College, 1944; M.D., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1948 HERZL DOV RAGINS, B.S., 1049 RICHARD OTTO VYCITAL, B.S., B.S., M.D., 1941, 1944, 1945 JULY MEETING It w a s agreed that the July meeting of the Board will be held at Urbana-Champaign on July 25, 1951, at an hour to be set by the President a n d Secretary of the Board. O n motion of M r . Grange, the Board adjourned. A. J. J A N A T A PARK LIVINGSTON Secretary President
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