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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
780 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 13 283 442 353 327 4 114 343 95 145 44 7 72 174 23 2,426 3,232 38 62 100 139 12 163 314 (34) 1 124 6 57 63 602 3,834 Baccalaureate Degrees, conferred a t Urbana: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science, Library School Bachelor of Science, College of Education Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration Bachelor of Science, School of Journalism and Communications Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Science, School of Physical Education Bachelor of Science, Division of Special Services for W a r V e t e r a n s . . . Bachelor of Science, College of Veterinary Medicine Total, Baccalaureate Degrees Total, Degrees Conferred at Urbana Degrees in Dentistry, conferred in Chicago: Bachelor of Science in Dentistry Doctor of Dental Surgery Total, Dentistry Degrees in Medicine, conferred in Chicago: Bachelor of Science in Medicine Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Doctor of Medicine Total, Medicine Degrees in Nursing, conferred in Chicago: Diplomas in Nurse Training Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degrees in Pharmacy, conferred in Chicago: Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Degrees in t h e Graduate College, conferred in Chicago: Doctor of Philosophy Master of Science Total, Graduate College Total, Degrees Conferred in Chicago Total, Urbana and Chicago Degrees Conferred June if, 1951, at Urbana GRADUATE COLLEGE D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y In Accountancy W I L L I A M LOUIS CAMPFIELD, B.C.S., New York University, 1933; M.B.A., University of Minnesota, 1937 ROBERT MINOR JAMES, B.S., M.S., 1943, 1048 DOROTHY ALBIETZ LITHERLAND, B.S., M.S., 1045, 1946 In Agricultural Economics GERALD ROBERT ABBENHAUS, B.S., A.M., University of Nebraska, 1943, 1949 FREDERICK MALLORY SCHRADER, B.S., M.S., University of Saskatchewan, 1938, 1940 V I N C E N T IRVING W E S T , B.S., M.S., 1946, 1047 In Agronomy K U A N G - L U CHENG, A.B., National Northwestern College of Agriculture, 1941; M.S., 1949 H E N R Y H U L T M A N HADLEY, B.S., 1940; M.S., T e x a s Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1942
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