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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95i] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 76S to renew for three successive two-year periods and with the right reserved by the lessor to require an adjustment in rental on the occasion of each renewal. The rent paid during 1949-1950 was $5,400 and during 1950-1951, $6,000. The hotel requests a rental of #6,900 per year for the period of 1951-1953. The present rental is $2.00 per square foot and the proposed rental, #2.30 per square foot. T h e rent is reasonable in comparison with other leases of space of that kind in Chicago. I recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to extend this lease for two years ending June 30, 1953, at a rental of $6,900 per year. On motion of Mrs. Holt, extension of this lease on the terms recommended was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION O F PARKING LOT (17) On November 24, 1950, the Board of Trustees approved an addition to the contract with the Champaign Asphalt Company for an entrance way from Goodwin Avenue to the Green Street parking lot. This entrance was through the property of 202 South Goodwin Avenue. Later it was determined that the house at this location should be removed and this has made it possible to construct parking spaces for thirty-eight cars. On January 23, 1951, the Board of Trustees made an appropriation for these additional parking facilities. T h e Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an increase in the contract with the Champaign Asphalt Company in the amount of $1,855.75 to provide for the additional work. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r n o f , t h i s i n c r e a s e in t h e c o n t r a c t w a s authorized. GRANT FROM W . K. KELLOGG FOUNDATION (18) The W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Michigan, has approved a grant of $245,350, payable to the University of Illinois in installments over a fiveyear period, in support of a project to strengthen educational broadcasting at the University of Illinois and at other universities which have educational radio stations. The proposal for this grant was submitted by Dean Wilbur Schramm on behalf of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters. Headquarters of the project will be at the University of Illinois which is the center of the NAEB tape network. This network serves as a clearing house for exchanges of recorded programs among educational broadcasting stations. It also will produce original programs for distribution. The grant will make it possible for the University to buy much-needed equipment and will contribute substantially to the operating costs of the network. Funds will be available for employment of a project director and other personnel, for annual educational seminars (to be held at Robert Allerton Park), for fellowships and conferences, and for research on educational broadcasting. Having accepted the grant, I request confirmation of this action. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the action of the President was confirmed. RELEASE OF POTENTIALLY PATENTABLE DISCOVERY (19) Director Mark H . Hindsley of the University Bands has invented a device which can be incorporated into wind instruments for correcting intonation difficulties while the instruments are being played. He did this at his own expense and on his own time. In view of this, it is recommended that the discovery be released to him for patenting in his own right if he so desires. On motion of Mr. Herrick, this recommendation was approved. OFFER OF GIFT OF TELEVISION TRANSMITTER FROM GENERAL ELECTRIC (20) The General Electric Company has formally offered to donate to the University a high-channel television transmitter valued at $90,000. This will require an expenditure of $9,500 by the University for repairs, costs of packing and shipping. A special appropriation is being recommended separately for this. Negotiations for this acquisition have been carried on by Dean William L.
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