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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
764 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 13 CONTRACT W I T H MEDICAL CENTER STEAM COMPANY FOR OPERATION O F STEAM HEATING PLANT FOR CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES (13) The University has a contract with the Medical Center Steam Company for the construction and operation of a central steam heating plant and distribution system to serve University buildings and those of other institutions in the Medical Center District. In setting up the operation of the plant, the Medical Center Steam Company has encountered difficulties due to differences in the terms and conditions of employment of University personnel and employees in other power plants. In addition, wage rates proposed for the Medical Center Steam Company plant are higher than rates paid by the Commonwealth Edison Company and this would ultimately affect the latter's wage negotiations. The Medical Center Steam Company has suggested t h a t the University operate the plant. The Company will assume the responsibility for completion of the construction and for operation of the plant until all operating problems resulting from construction are solved. This arrangement would have the further advantage of simplifying the University's supervision of the operation and may strengthen the University's position in claiming t a x exemption of the plant from property taxes. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend t h a t a contract be entered into with the Medical Center Steam Company whereby the University will take over the operation and maintenance of the plant. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and t h e Secretary of the Board be authorized t o execute this contract. On motion of Mr. Grange, this contract was authorized. CONTRACT FOR ERECTION O F STORAGE BUILDING (14) The Director of the Physical Plant and t h e Comptroller recommend award of a contract for #1,379 t o Aluminum Sales Products, Champaign, the lowest bidder, for the erection of an aluminum storage building approximately 400 square feet in area including construction of a concrete floor. This building will be erected north of the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory and will be used by the Department of Civil Engineering for storage of equipment and supplies. Funds are available in the current budget of the Physical Plant Department. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. O n m o t i o n of M r . H i c k m a n , t h i s c o n t r a c t w a s a u t h o r i z e d . CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES O N REMODELING OF QUARTERS FOR PHYSICAL MEDICINE (r5) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend that the engineering firm of Samuel R. Lewis and Associates, Chicago, be employed t o prepare plans and specifications for remodeling and air conditioning in the hydrotherapy pool quarters of the Department of Physical Medicine, College of Medicine, and for supervision of the remodeling work. This firm has offered to provide the necessary engineering and supervisory services for a fee of 10 per cent of the contract price of the remodeling, but not to exceed 32,000, 60 per cent of t h e fee to be paid when plans are accepted and the balance in installments proportional to payments to contractors during the course of the remodeling work. It is estimated that the preparation of plans and specifications will cost approximately $1,500 and there will be no further payment under this contract unless remodeling is undertaken. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized t o execute a contract with Samuel R. Lewis and Associates in accordance with the terms stated above. On motion of Mr. Megran, this contract was authorized. LEASE OF QUARTERS IN LASALLE HOTEL FOR ILLINI CENTER (16) The University leases quarters in the LaSalle Hotel for the Illini Center. The first lease was for two years ending June 30, 1949, with the right of t h e University
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