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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
64 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 1 000 (800) (6 250) $ 58 024 Equipment, General Equipment, Veterans Equipment Procurement Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Dean of Men H o s p i t a l a n d Medical S e r v i c e s ( E n t i r e b u d g e t from s t u d e n t service c h a r g e s a n d r e i m b u r s e m e n t of claims b y i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y ) Salaries and Wages 1. Nonacademic Salaries H $ 4 785 Wages 3 715 Total, Salaries and Wages (8 500) Expense and Equipment Administrative Expense 6 500 Premiums 200 000 Payments to Hospital and Physicians 185 000 Total, Expense and Equipment (391 500) Total, Hospital and Medical Services $400 000 D e a n of W o m e n Salaries and Wages 1. Miriam A. Shelden, Dean of Women 2. Maria Leonard, Dean of Women, Emerita (Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System) 3. Agnes G. Tandberg, Associate Dean of Women 4. Helen R. Andrews, Assistant Dean of Women 5. M. Jane Klein, Assistant Dean of Women 6. Mrs. Florence B. Inghram, Assistant Dean of Women RESIDENCE H A L L S BY DY DY DY DY $ 7 500 5 4 4 4 250 400 400 600 7. Eunice Dowse, Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (North Half) (Ten months from September 1, 1950) 8. Ruth H . Weimer, H e a d Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (South H a l f ) (Ten months from September 1, 1950) 9. Mrs. Alice W . Cotter, Head Resident, Evans Hall (Ten months from September 1, 1950) 10. Dorothy A. Brumbaugh, Head Resident, Busey Hall (Ten months from September I, 1950) 11. Mrs. Katherine B. Jensen, Assistant Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence (South H a l f ) (Ten months from September I, 1950) 12. , Assistant Head Resident, Lincoln Avenue Residence ( N o r t h H a l f ) ( T e n months from September 1, 1950) 13. Mrs. Grace David, Reserve House Director (See Parade Ground Dormitories) (Total Salary) (Ten months from September I, 1950) 14. Summer Session Head Resident, Busey Hall ( T w o months) 15. 4.00 Part-time Assistants (Counselors) ( T e n months from September I, 1950) COOPERATIVE H O U S E S G G G G G G G72 G28 G G 3 235*'' 2 70O 1 '' 2 soo1-' 2 ioo 1,1 2 500s 2 500s 900 1 (35°) (1 250) 3801'5 13 250 400 1 '' (720) (1 120) 16. Mrs. Marie S. Barbre, House Director, Alpha House (See Cooperative House Operations) (Total Salary) ( T e n months from September 1, 1950) 1 G23 G72 Also furnished room, valued at $10 a month, for the convenience of the University.. ' Also furnished three meals a day while dining halls are in operation, valued at $21 a month, for the convenience of the University.
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