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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
672 J tern BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Department Psychology Vendor 0 . C. Rudolph & Sons., Caldwell, N.J. [April 19 Cost f.o.b. Caldwell, N.J. 1 600 0 0 One adaptometer complete with camera type shutter, pendulum shutter, lamp, filters, diaphragms, voltage regulator for use on 115 volts a.c. One 16* combination band sawing and filing machine including motor, rip fence, disc cutting attachments, lubricator, and cabinet One centrifugal pump, single stage, with steel base and coupling connected to %h.p., iooo/24oor.p.m. shunt wound 230 volt d.c. dynamometer Graduate College Computer Project Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Do-AH Southern Co., St. Louis, Mo. Fairbanks-Morse Co., Chicago 1 943 25 f.o.b. Savage, Minn. 1 7S4 00 f.o.b. Chicago, with freight allowed to destination (approximate) Rental of caps and gowns for use in June, 1951, class: approximately 2,500 bachelor caps and gowns, 300 master caps and gowns, 100 doctor caps and gowns, and 100 doctor hoods 100,000 sixteen-page 8 >£ x 11 examination books printed 10,000 copies Proceedings—Consumer Credit Conference to be printed and bound Purchasing Office Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., Champaign 5 445 00 Office Supply Store Business Management Service C. P. Lesh Paper Co.," Indianapolis, Ind. Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co., Bloomington f.o.b. Indianapolis, Ind. 3 884 15 f.o.b. Bloomington 2 070 00 On motion of Mrs. Holt, these purchases were authorized as recommended. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR OF T H E SCHOOL OF MUSIC (41) I recommend the appointment of Professor Duane A. Branigan as Professor of Music on indefinite tenure and Director of the School of Music for two years from September i, 1951, at a salary of $11,000 on a Y basis. This appointment is to fill the position of Director which will become vacant as of September 1, 1951. Professor Branigan has been serving as Acting Director since September 1, 1950, replacing Professor John M. Kuypers who had served as Director from July 1, 1947. Professor Kuypers was granted a leave of absence from the directorship for one year beginning September 1, 1950; subsequently he resigned as Director effective September 1, 1951. The appointment of Professor Branigan is recommended by a committee appointed by the President of the University in December, 1950, to (1) seek a qualified candidate for the directorship and (2) evaluate the long-range program of the School of Music. The report of the Committee is submitted herewith. On motion of Mrs. Holt, this appointment was approved. APPOINTMENT OF LEGAL COUNSEL (42) I recommend that the appointment of Mr. Ralph F. Lesemann as Legal Counsel and Professor of Law which was approved by the Board of Trustees on February 15, 1951, be effective July 1, 1951, instead of May I as previously authorized. In the meantime, Mr. Lesemann will be available as needed on a consulting, per diem basis. O n motion of M r . Nickell, t h e beginning date of this appointment was changed from M a y 1 to J u l y 1, 1951. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: (1) appointments made by the President; (2) graduate fellows; (3) resignations, declinations, and cancellations; (4) leaves of absence.
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