Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
668 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 19 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT O F CONTRACTS (39) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed for the period from March 1 to 31, 1951With Whom United States Navy Veterans Administration National Academy of Sciences Veterans Administration Merck and Company, Inc. McMillen Feed Mills The University of California With Whom Illinois Power Company Purpose Furnishing noon meals to applicants and recruits at Navy Pier food service Education and training under P.L. 16 at Chicago Professional Colleges— February r to June 30, 1951 Study of flight Instrument displays Speech correction and hearing rehabilitation Study of unknown factors in animal nutrition Study of protein value of soybean oil meal Rental of Nordsieck Computer Amount to be Paid to the University 75^ or less per meal per month per student 6 000 00 $ 15 0 0 Date April 1, 1951 February 1, 1951 August 30, 1950 December 14, 1950 March 5, 1951 March 29, 1951 Rates per contract 5 000 00 3 600 00 February 16, 1931 Purpose Gas-oil burner agreement for 708 South Mathews Avenue Amount to be Paid by the University Per usage Date November 17, 1950 Contract Changes With Whom Association of American Railroads Association of American Railroads and American Iron and Steel Institute Chicago Vitreous Enamel Product Company, Ferro Enamel Corporation, and Pemco Corporation Western Condensing Company International Minerals and Chemical Corporation Public Service Company of Northern Illinois United States Army Veterans Administration Purpose Study of joint bars and wheel loads Study of causes of failures in railroad rails in service Study of refractories for enamel smelter operation Amount to be Paid to the University $14 000 00 Date January 1, 1951 March 5, 1951 22 000 00 200 00 March 5, 1951 Study of whey products in swine nutrition Study of plant growth Electric power to field operation Contract DA-49-007-MD-17 Hospital and medical fees at Civil Engineering Surveying Camp 1 500 00 3 000 00 March 11, 1931 March 11, 1951 October 27, 1950 February 14, 1951 January 8, 1951 5 000 00 7 087 00 3 75 per student Adjustments in Authorizations Issued Prior to July 1, 1949, Under Cost-Plus Standing Contracts With Whom Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company Purpose One adjustment $ Amount 237 391 Adjustments Made in Authorizations Issued Under Cost-Pius Standing Contracts With Whom Anderson Electric, Inc. E. N. DeAtley Purpose Noyes Laboratory remodeling renovation and modernization Noyes Laboratory remodeling renovation and modernization Special state—Utilities Distribution System Talbot Laboratory remodeling Sub-total Amount $1 280 00 4 473 95 2 955 " Date February 21, 195' February 21, 195 > February 12, 1951 March 2, 1951 311 20 1 (7 I07 97) 1 Deduct.