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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
652 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 19 employees, and (2) an equitable arrangement, with respect to the cost of living, between the academic and the nonacademic staffs. It is clear from the change in the index and from the Governor's pronouncement that there will be a need for a 10 per cent adjustment, since University employees, both academic and nonacademic, will expect to share in any state-wide increase based upon cost of living. I recommend, therefore, that Item III-A in the budget for I95I-I953, Salary and Wage Increases, be further revised from $3,600,000 to $4,800,000 in order to provide a fund equal to 10 per cent of the total salary and wage item and that the budget askings be revised upward by the sum of $1,200,000, to a total of $76,991,791. O n motion of M r . Johnston, the biennial operating budget for 1951-1953 w a s revised as recommended. APPOINTMENT OF LOUIS B. HOWARD AS ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF THE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION (2) Professor William E. Carroll, Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, will retire from active service at the end of the current academic year. To replace him as Associate Director, I recommend the appointment of Dr. Louis B. Howard, now Professor and Head of the Department of Food Technology, to the combined positions of Professor and Head of the Department of Food Technology and Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, at an annual salary of $14,000 (AY, BY basis). His appointment as Professor and Head of the Department will be, as at present, on indefinite tenure; his appointment as Associate Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station will be for two years from September 1, 1951, in keeping with the statutory provision of biennial tenure for deans and directors. On motion of Mr. Fornof, this appointment was approved as recommended. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FACULTY (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. JOSEPH MCVICKER HUNT, Professor of Psychology, beginning September I, 1951, at an annual salary of $10,000 ( A ) . 2. WILLIAM E. KAPPAUF, Professor of Psychology, beginning September I, 1951, at an annual salary of $7,000 ( A ) . 3. CARL CYRUS CLARK, Assistant Professor of Zoology, beginning September I, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,800 ( B ) . 4. JOSEPH E. BACHELDER, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and in the Institute of Communications Research, beginning September I, 1951, at an annual salary of $7,500 (AY). On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these appointments were confirmed. MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HEALTH EDUCATION (4) The University Senate recommends establishment of the following graduate curriculum in Health Education in the School of Physical Education, leading to the degree of Master of Science. Admission Requirements 1. A minimum grade-point average of 3.5 for all courses taken during the last two years of undergraduate study. 2. Thirty semester hours of approved undergraduate credit in health education or closely related courses. 3. Twenty-four semester hours of approved undergraduate credit in science. 4. Sixteen semester hours credit in education. 5. A course in tests and measurements or statistics. 6. Students are not admitted on Limited Status. Graduation Requirements 1. Eight units, to include (a) four units in health education or approved courses in physical education; (b) two units in education, including two of the
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