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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
614 Item 500,000 No. 10, 28 lb. white wove envelopes, plain 200,000 No. 6 # , 28 lb. white wove envelopes, plain 200,000 No. 10, 20 lb. manila envelopes, plain 100,000 No. 6 # , 20 lb. manila envelopes, plain 40.000 pounds 25 x 38, 40 lb. English finish book paper to be used for printing the 1951-1951 catalog Folding stand for band and orchestra—48' wide x 24' deep with three elevations, in sections, quadrangles, with angular sections (this will replace a wooden platform which has involved much labor of erecting, dismantling, and repairing) 5,000 board feet red tidewater cypress B and better, 1" x random width and length, rough, air dried 19,000 board feet, select Ponderosa pine, B and better, rough kiln dried, 10' to 16' lengths as follows: 5,000 feet 1* x 4* 5,000 feet 5/4*x6" 3,000 feet 6/4* x 6" S.ooofeet 8/4*x 6* 1,000 feet 12/4" x 6* 35,000 ft. J4" thinwall conduit 10,000 ft. tf" thinwall conduit 10,000 ft. 1* thinwall conduit Monorail equipment for remodeling Room 463b Noyes Laboratory All steel and miscellaneous iron for remodeling Room 463b Noyes Laboratory One new amall Ford tractor with 6 cylinder engine complete with fluid in rear tires, counter weights on rear wheels, and two-bottom plow attachment, less allowance for a 1941 Ford Ferguson tractor with two-bottom plow attachment and cab Three new 1951 automobiles (Ford V-8, Chevrolet, Studebaker, or Plymouth), 4-door sedan, complete with fresh air heater and defroster, less allowance for vehicles No. 204 and No. 208, 1949 Fords, and No. 215, 1949 Chevrolet 240 tons limestone to be delivered and spread 30 tons rock phosphate 30 per cent P3O1 to be delivered and spread Fire and extended coverage insurance including unearned premium coverage, subject to 80 per cent coinsurance, effective March 11, 1951, for three years in the total amount of $240,000 in favor of the Board of Trustees University of Illinois and the City of Chicago, covering the Drill Hall Building at Navy Pier, Chicago BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Office Supply Store Vendor Marvin Envelope Co., Chicago [March 13 Cost 3 039 00 f.o.b. Urbana Office Supply Store Dwight Brothers Paper Co., Chicago 6 170 00 (approximate) f.o.b. delivered f.o.b. Milwaukee, Wis. Physical Plant Martin O. Larson Co., Chicago 1 997 77 Physical Plant Physical Plant Illini Lumber Distributors, Champaign White Pine Lumber Co., Chicago £o.b. delivered £o.b. delivered 1 150 00 6 058 00 Physical Plant Physical Plant Physical Plant Physical Plant Decatur Electric Supply Division, Decatur Ornamental Metalworks Co., Decatur Hugh J. Baker Co., Decatur Purvis Tractor Co., Mattoon 4 118 50 f.o.b. delivered 2 359 26 f.o.b. Urbana 3 350 00 f.o.b.Urbana 1 664 49 f.o.b. Urbana Physical Plant Tom Purvis, Inc. (Ford), Mattoon 1 397 33 f.o.b. Urbana Agricultural Engineering Physical Plant, Chicago Undergraduate Division Piatt County Service Co., Monticello S. B. Trelease, Champaign, Agent representing Ins u r a n c e C o m p a n y of North America Waldo Ames, Chicago, Agent representing Ins u r a n c e C o m p a n y of North America Reynolds Agency, Peoria, representing: Central Manufactures Co. (unguaranteed dividend of 15%) Queen Insurance Co. Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co. Total three-year premium 338 00 349 42 1 604 91 2 006 14 2 006 14 (6 316 03)
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