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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951 ] With Whom Schroeder's UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Purpose Special s t a t e — E a s t C h e m i s t r y Building equipment Noyes L a b o r a t o r y remodeling Rooms 151 and 154 Sub-total Natural History Building renovation and ventilation Natural History Building renovation and ventilation Sub-total Changes in administrative offices Amount 86700 92 14 (959 14) 55 13 J 871 (53 26) 65 921 6ll Date February 6, 1951 February 13, 1951 January 29, 1951 February 12, 1951 February 15, 1951 Clarence H. Siems Square Deal Electric This report was received for record. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR N O N R E C U R R I N G EXPENDITURES (21) The Committee on Nonrecurring Appropriations recommends assignments of funds as follows: Chicago Professional Colleges 1. Remodeling on fourth floor of the Orthopaedic Wing of the Research and Educational Hospitals $35 000 2. Architectural services for minor items of remodeling 2 500 3. Purchase of a safe for the Business Office I 000 4. Purchase of centrifuge and accessory equipment for Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory 2 400 Urbana-Champaign Campus Equipment for solid state research group in the Department of Physics 23 000 Improved lighting in the Hall of Casts in the Architecture Building.. 4 400 Remodeling of 1005 West Nevada Street for the Psychological Clinic.. 2 700 Remodeling of 601 East John Street for Department of Speech 2 500 Construction of an area on the Animal Sciences Laboratory roof for the study of stars and planets, Division of General Studies and Department of Astronomy 2 500 10. Remodeling to provide additional office space in the Armory, this assignment to be made from funds budgeted for nonrecurring equipment and remodeling expenses 1 930 I recommend that these appropriations be made from the General Reserve Fund, except as indicated in the last item. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appropriations were made, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Grange, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Megran, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins; no, none; absent, Mr. Stevenson. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PURCHASES Purchases Authorized (22) The following purchases were authorized by the President's Office on the recommendations of the Director of Purchases and the Comptroller. Item Library book shelving, bracket type. for installation in the library room of the Veterinary Medicine Building One No. 2 plain milling machine with high-speed universal milling attachment, 3 h.p., 3 phase, 60 cycles, 220 volt a.c. motor, and three arbors One vacuum tube voltmeter Une pulse generator One square wave generator One audio oscillator 1 Department Physical Plant Vendor Remington Rand, Inc., Chicago Kearney 8k Trecker Corp., Milwaukee, Wis. Cost $2 762 00 f.o.b. Urbana 692750 f.o.b. Milwaukee, Wis. 1 465 00 f.o.b. Palo Alto, Calif. Biological Sciences Physics A. Crossley and Associates, Chicago Deduct.
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