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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951 ] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 575 Baccalaureate Degrees: Bachelor of Science, College of Agriculture 112 Bachelor of Science, College of Engineering 328 Bachelor of Arts, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 130 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 128 Bachelor of Science, Library School 2 Bachelor of Science, College of Education .•••••. ^' Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration... 158 Bachelor of Science, School of Journalism and Communications 35 Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts 75 Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts 18 Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts 4 Bachelor of Science, School of Physical Education 27 Bachelor of Science, Division of Special Services for War Veterans 141 Total, Baccalaureate Degrees .(1,219) Total, Degrees Conferred 1,619 GRADUATE COLLEGE D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y In Agricultural Economics WARREN EUGENE COLLINS, B.S., Western Kentucky State Teachers College, 1947; M.S., 1948 In Animal Science JAMES EDWARD CORBIN, B.S., M.S., University of Kentucky, 1943, 1947 FRED ALBERT DOBBINS, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1937; M.S., Iowa State College, 1939 In Bacteriology HERBERT MORITZ H I R S C H , B.S., M.S., 1947, 1949 HALLECK BURKETT W A R R E N , J R . , B.S., St. Louis University, 1943; M.S., 1949 In Chemistry EDWARD F A I T H ELSLAGER, B.S., James Millikin University, 1947; M.S., 1948 KARL FREDRICH H E U M A N N , B.S., M.S., Iowa State College, 1942, 1943 CHARLES JOHN HOFFMAN, B.S., Case School of Applied Science, 1942; M.S., 1948 RAYMOND HARDING MATTSON, B.S., University of Michigan, 1943 MACK HAROLD MCCORMICK, B.S., University of Kansas, 194S JANET BROOKS PETERSON, B.S., University of Michigan, 1945; A.M., 1948 EDWARD FRANCIS CHARLES RIENER, B.S., Ursinus College, 1947; M.S., 1948 In Civil Engineering TUNG Au, B.S., St. John's University, 1943; M.S., 1948 PING-CHUN W A N G , B.S., National Central University, 1943; M.S., 1948 CHIH-FANG W E I , B.S., St. John's University, 1945; M.S., 1948 In Louisiana State University, 1947 THOMAS CLINTON COBB, B.S., 1941; M.S., Miami University, 1947 JAMES ROBERT MADDOX, B.S., A.M., 1942, 1943 Economics WILLIAM RALBERT BENNETT, A.B., Birmingham-Southern College, 1939; M.B.A., JAMES PRESTON PAYNE, J R . , A.B., William Jewell College, 1942; A.M., Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1948 In Education Engineering ARTHUR J O H N H O E H N , B.S., M.S., 1940, 1947 In Electrical LAWRENCE EDWARD BRENNAN, B.S., M.S., 1948, 1949 YATES MICHEL H I L L , B.S., United States Military Academy, 1942; M.S., 1949
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