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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
562 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 15 AFFILIATION WITH M O R R I S O N H O M E F O R T H E A G E D A N D THE CHRONIC ILLNESS HOSPITAL (35) T h e Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges submits for consideration a proposal for an affiliation with the Morrison Home for the Aged and the Home for the Incurables, both in Chicago. Under this plan the University would have facilities for the education of medical students and for research in a new "chronic illness hospital" (to be constructed in conjunction with a new home for the aged in the Medical Center District) and in turn would provide certain professional services. The boards of directors of these two institutions are negotiating with the Medical Center Commission for the purchase of land on which to construct the buildings. Before proceeding, the Commission needs to know whether or not the University of Illinois will approve an affiliation along lines to be agreed upon. A proposal has been drafted and is submitted herewith as a basis for discussion. I recommend that the Board of Trustees indicate a desire to proceed with such an affiliation, with the understanding that later a formal agreement will be submitted to the Board for approval. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this recommendation was approved. A P P O I N T M E N T S T O P R O F E S S I O N A L ADVISORY COMMITTEE O F T H E DIVISION O F S E R V I C E S F O R C R I P P L E D C H I L D R E N (36) T h e Board of Trustees has authorized the appointment of a Professional Advisory Committee for the Division of Services for Crippled Children. The present Committee was appointed for two years from December I, 1948. The Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges submits the following nominations for reappointments and new appointments to this Committee for a term beginning January I, 1951, and expiring June 30, 1953, so that the appointments will coincide with the fiscal years of the biennium. I concur in these appointments. Reappointments ALLAN G. BRODIE, Orthodontist, Chicago JANE BULL, Executive Director of Illinois Commission for Handicapped Children, Chicago HAROLD M. CAMP, Secretary-Treasurer of Illinois State Medical Society, Monmouth MAUDE B. CARSON, Chief of Division of Public Health Nursing, Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield FREMONT A. CHANDLER, Orthopedist, Chicago EDWARD L. COMPERE, Orthopedist, Chicago H U G H COOPER, Orthopedist, Peoria WOODRUFF L. CRAWFORD, Pediatrician, Rockford ROLAND R. CROSS, Director of Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield W A T S O N GAILEY, Ophthalmologist, Bloomington FRANCIS J. GERTY, Psychiatrist, Chicago DORA GOLDSTINE, Medical Social Worker, University of Chicago, Chicago P A U L W . GREELEY, Plastic Surgeon, Chicago J U L I U S H . H E S S , Pediatrician, Chicago P A U L H . HOLINGER, Bronchoesophagologist, Chicago ISAAC JOLLES, Psychologist, Illinois Department of Public Instruction, Springfield H . WORLEY KENDELL, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Illinois, Chicago P H I L I P L E W I N , Orthopedist, Chicago FREDERICK W . MERRIFIELD, Plastic Surgeon, Chicago ERIC OLDBERG, Neurologist and Neurosurgeon, Chicago MEYER A. PERLSTEIN, Pediatrician and Cerebral Palsy Work, Chicago HENRY G. PONCHER, Pediatrician, University of Illinois, Chicago GEORGE E. SHAMBAUGH, J R . , Otolaryngologist, Chicago JOHN R. THOMPSON, Orthodontist, Northwestern University, Chicago HAROLD WESTLAKE, Director of Speech Clinic, Northwestern University, Evanston
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