Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95i] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 561 Contract Changes Executed With Whom United States NavyUnited States Atomic Energy Commission United States Navy United States Navy United States Air Force United States Navy United States Navy National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association Merck and Company, Inc. Commonwealth Edison Company Lederle Laboratories Division, American Cyanamid Company Hail Loss Research Committee, Western Hail and Adjustment Association American Gas Association Illinois Clay Products Company Purpose Task Order #11 Content of human tissues in eleven trace minerals Task Order #9 Psychodynamics of groups under controlled conditions Ceramic materials for increasing the life and efficiency of aircraft power plants Task Order #27 Task Order #28 Warm air furnace heating Amount to be Paid to the University $ 5 000 00 8 500 00 6 000 00 10 544 18 45 000 00 Date September 30, 1950 October 23, 1950 August 30, 1950 November 30, 1950 December 6, 1950 9 200 00 7 600 00 27 065 00 August 31, 1950 December 14, 1950 January 12, 1951 Vitamin B12 in calf nutrition Solubility of boiler waters Sulfonamides, antibiotics, and other agents in animal and poultry disSoybean losses sustained from hail storm damage Air duct systems Plastic and high temperature properties of clay 2 500 00 20 000 00 5 000 00 October 26, 1950 January 27, 1951 January 8, 1951 800 00 January 8, 1951 5 000 00 5 500 00 January 9, 1951 January 27, 1951 Adjustments Made in Authorisations Issued Under Cost-Plus Standing Contracts With Whom Anderson Electric, Inc. Purpose Amount Harker Hall remodeling (room 104, $ 2 55* 15 106) Talbot Laboratory remodeling 571 43 Floriculture Building alterations 650 00 Changes in administrative offices 1 21095 Sub-total (4 9S3 53) Talbot Laboratory remodeling 3 534 80 Floriculture Building alterations 2 S80 25 Sub-total (6 41S 05) Floriculture Building Alterations 1 500 00 Talbot Laboratory remodeling 50 00 Changes in administrative offices 1 600 00 Sub-total (3 150 00) Noyes Laboratory remodeling for Bac1 985 00 teriology Changes in administrative offices 358 64 Sub-total (2 343 64) Green Street apartments 157 35 Student and Staff apartments 157 35 Sub-total (314 70) 1005 W. Nevada remodeling 50 00 Date December 27, 1950 December 27, 1950 December 29, 1950 January 9, 1951 December 28, 1950 December 29, 1950 November 29. 195° November 29* 1950 January 9, 1951 December 22, 1950 January 9, 1951 January 15. 1951 January 15, 1951 January 25, 1951 E. N. DeAtley Reliable Plumbing and Heating Company Schroeder's Clarence H. Siems Square Deal Electric This report was received for record. QUARTERLY REPORT O F T H E COMPTROLLER (34) The Comptroller presents his quarterly report to the Board as of December 31, 1950. This report was received for record.